this was the designation of a specially-modified probe droid, launched by Imperial Admiral Damon Krell, shortyl after the Battle of Hoth. 13-K located a stray Alliance corvette and attacked it, killing all aboard. 13-K then took control of the corvette and set out for Alliance-held territory using the coordinates it found in the ship's computers. One of the ships it encountered on its mission was the X-Wing of Luke Skywwlker, which 13-K destroyed. Luke and R2-D2 managed to eject in time to avoid the explosion, and were able to infiltrate the corvette. Once 13-K realized that the rebel who was trying to defeat it was Luke Skywalker himself, it abandoned its primary mission of destroying an Alliance fleet and headed back toward Imperial space, hoping to deliver Skywalker to Darth Vader himself. 13-K reached Admiral Krell's vessel just as the main reactor in the corvette reached critical levels and exploded, destroying 13-K, the corvette, Krell's ship and all hands aboard.