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Here is a partial set of encyclopedia downloads. I have been swamped in my real job, and haven't had much of a chance to generate these yet. The Word 97 and Text versions have been updated to the Version 7.1 level. The complete Access database file, however, has been updated to Version 7.2! The HTML files and the PDFs are, however, still at the Version 7.0 level, as are the ASP files. Please view the Readme file for information on how to use the ASP files. Please E-mail me if you have any trouble downloading any of these files.

Microsoft Word 97 Files (Version 7.1) PDF Files (Version 7.0)
Single File (approx. 8.8 MB)
Part 1
(approx. 2.3 MB)
Part 2
(approx. 2.2 MB)
Part 3
(approx. 2.9 MB)
Part 4
(approx. 1.6 MB)
New Entries Only (approx. 615 KB)
Modified Entries Only (approx. 474 KB)
Single File (approx. 25.4 MB)
Part 1
(approx. 6.8 MB)
Part 2
(approx. 6.5 MB)
Part 3
(approx. 8.2 MB)
Part 4
(approx. 4.8 MB)
New Entries Only (approx. 1.3 MB)
Modified Entries Only (approx. 1.2 MB)
Text Files (Version 7.1) HTML Files (Version 7.0)
Single File (approx. 6.1 MB)
Part 1
(approx. 1.6 MB)
Part 2
(approx. 1.5 MB)
Part 3
(approx. 1.9 MB)
Part 4
(approx. 1.1 MB)
New Entries Only (approx. 258 KB)
Modified Entries Only (approx. 424 KB)
Single File (approx. 7.8 MB)
Part 1
(approx. 2.7 MB)
Part 2
(approx. 2.6 MB)
Part 3
(approx. 2.4 MB)
Download the entire Encyclopedia database - now at Version 7.2!
Access Database File    (approx. 10.0 MB, which will unzip to 26.2 MB)
The Encyclopedia ASP File is now available. Encyclopedia ASP Files    (approx. 838 KB, requires Microsoft Personal Web Server, Microsoft IIS, or other ASP-capable server)
Version 7.0 of the Encyclopedia in DICT format, for Linux users. Special thanks go out to Rams?s Rodr?guez for setting these up! You may have to use the right-click button on your mouse, then choose the "Save target as..." option to download these files.
Encyclopedia DICT File    (approx. 6.5 MB)
Encyclopedia Index File    (approx. 951KB, makes searches on the DICT files faster)
Downloads for handheld devices are now available in a variety of formats. Watch for a Plucker version soon!
Microsoft Reader Version Now at Version 7.0... this file is not zipped. Just right-click to save it to your harddisk. Then, open it with Microsoft Reader. (Also works for regular PCs.) (approx. 6.3 MB)
Tome Raider Version Now at Version 7.0! (approx. 7.9 MB)
Other downloads
Version 7.0 Planets Spreadsheet - Lotus 123 (approx. 410 KB)
Version 7.0 Planets Spreadsheet - Microsoft Excel (approx. 725 KB)
VRML Tour of the Galaxy - requires VRML browser plug-in (approx. 750 KB)
Aurebesh Font Files for Windows (approx. 69KB)

Each version is offered as a single file and in several parts for easier downloading. The Word 97 version and the corresponding Text and PDF versions are offered in four parts:

  • Part 1 has the letters A through E.
  • Part 2 has the letters F through L.
  • Part 3 has the letters M through S.
  • Part 4 contains the letters T through Z, plus Numerics and the Arcana.

A separate file is also available for the new or modified entries.

The HTML files are available in a single file or three parts, but all three files must be downloaded and unzipped to get the full encyclopedia. Then, just point your browser at the index.htm file contained in the directory where you unzipped the files.

Now, to go along with the entire Access database file, you can download the ASP files to use at home! This will allow full searches of the encyclopedia, just like at TheForce.Net, as well as provide categorized listings. Please note that the use of the ASP files requires you to have a web server installed on your machine that can handle Active ServerPages (ASP files), such as Microsoft Personal Web Server or Microsoft IIS. See the ASP_Readme.txt file that is included in the zip image.

There are now two versions of the encyclopedia for handheld devices. As before, the TomeRaider file is still a single image, and is now at the Version 7.0 level. A new Microsoft Reader version is also available at the Version 7.0 level.

The Planets Tables, which used to be in a separate Word 97 file, are now collected in a Lotus 1-2-3 worksheet and a converted Microsoft Excel spreadsheet. The viewers for these files (in case you don't have one or the other) are offered as a separate download.

***** Last updated November 23, 2005 *****
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