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Blame it on the Wookiee  (To: The Jacksons' "Blame it on the Boogie")
Parody lyrics copyright 1996 by Steven Cavanagh
Episode: V


The Falcon just ain't flyin'
the two of us been tryin'
to get it off this ice cube
and do-it-quick!
I tell that lump of dog hair
say "No, wait! that one goes there"
the way he gets it wrong just makes me sick!
Don't blame it on the sublight
don't blame it on the nav guide
don't blame it on the fuel line
blame it on the Wookiee
Don't-you-blame it on the sublight
don't blame it on the nav guide
don't blame it on the fuel line
blame it on the Wookiee
The hyperdrive is dodgy
the readout screen is blotchy
the reverse power coupling
can o-ver-heat!
It might be me that did it
but it's easier to pin it
on that hairy guy that's over seven feet!
Don't blame it on the sublight
don't blame it on the nav guide
don't blame it on the fuel line
blame it on the Wookiee
Don't-you-blame it on the sublight
don't blame it on the nav guide
don't blame it on the fuel line
blame it on the Wookiee

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