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Only a Gungan

Only a Gungan(To: Billy Joel's “Always a woman")

Parody lyrics copyright 2000 by Steven Cavanagh

Date: March 2000

Episode: I

Notes: Obi-Wan's take on the Jar Jar phenomenon.

He has bat-wing ears of ridiculous size
and he looks like a duck with detachable eyes
and he's only around for the comic relief
He speaks like a child, and he's only a gungan to me.

He's the galaxy's most irrepressable loser
introduces himself saying "whosa are yousa?"
why Anakin likes him, I really can't see
walks like a cartoon, and he's only a gungan to me

He, makes a fool of himself
always bumbling around
such a brainless reptile.
Oh, I can't figure him out
but I'm not taken in
by that big goofy smile

Our sense of absurd is what's caused all the teasin'
He's a senator for no discernable reason
and his own people banished him, 'cause they could see
that he's clumsy, and stupid, he's only a gungan to me.

He, can't take care of himself
if he happened to die
I don't think that I'd mourn.
Oh, I once told Qui-Gon Jinn
my opinion of him
a "pathetic life form"

He fried his own brain while retrieving a tool
he always tries hard to be somebody's fool
and he won't be here in twenty years, I forsee
and I'm wishing like you that he'd died in part two,
cause he's only a gungan to me.

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