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It was a Sith (To: "It's in his kiss"- the shoop shoop song)

Parody lyrics copyright 2000 by Steven Cavanagh

Date: October 2000

Episode: 1

Notes: A duet with Qui-Gon and the Jedi Council.


Fought a guy on Tattooine
He's a Sith Lord- he must have been!

(Do you really think?) Oh yeah, it had to be!
(But they're all extinct) Just listen up to me:
If you wanna know just what fought me so,
It was a Sith
(that's what it is, oh yeah)

(But was he wearing black?)
In scorching desert heat!
(Jedi trained attack?) Impeccable technique!
If you wanna know what forced me to go,
It was a Sith
(that's what it is)
Oh oh, the guy's a Sith
(that's what it is)

Whoa oh, he gave me a saber fight
It told me what I wanna know.
He is one, yes they do exist:
Dark Lords of the Sith!

(How 'bout the way he looks) Red tattoos on his face!
Little horns all around the place!
If you wanna know just what fought me so,
It was a Sith
(That's what it is)
Whoa, oh, the guy's a Sith
(That's what he is)


Whoa oh, he gave me a saber fight
It told me what I wanna know.
He is one, yes they do exist:
Dark Lords of the Sith!

(But there are always two) That's all I've got to say!
I'm not giving the plot away!
If you wanna know just what fought me so,
It was a Sith
(That's what it is)
Whoa, oh, the guy's a Sith
(That's what he is)
oh yeah, the guy's a Sith
(That's what he is)
I said, it was a Sith
(That's what it is)





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