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Miniatures Update From GenCon Posted By Dajuan on August 19, 2008
Wizards of the Coast announced several exciting things for Star Wars Miniatures at their 2008 GenCon panel.
Starting with their next expansion set, Clone Wars, all minis expansions will only contain 40 miniatures instead of the customary 60. Each set will have the following rarity break down: 8 very rares, 8 rares, 12 uncommon, and 12 common figures. The reason Wizards gave for this change is they want to be able to focus more on the characters and their stats rather than coming up with the 20 additional figures.
The panel also gave some great information on the next expansion set, Clone Wars. It will release this October and will contain miniatures of characters from the new Clone Wars cartoon series. It will also have a starter set with two exclusive minis and a brand new map! There has not been a starter set like this since the 2005 set Clone Strike. This set is rumored to bring back some old force powers not seen since the Clone Strike and Revenge of the Sith expansions.
Wizards gave panel viewers a sneak peak at the stats from two of the characters in Clone Wars: Ahoska and Yoda on Kybuck.
Ahoska #2 of 40 Cost: 20 Hit points: 60 Defense: 20 Attack: +7 Damage: 20 Special Abilities: Unique, Double, Melee, Flurry, Impulsive Sweep, and Synergy with Anakin Skywalker Force Powers: 3 Force Points, Lightsaber Deflect
Yoda on Kybuck Cost: 51 Hit points: 150 Defense: 20 Attack: +14 Damage: 20 Special Abilities: Unique, Double, Melee, Speed 10, Galloping Attack Force Powers: 5 Force Points, Lightsaber Block, Master Speed
In February of 2009 three new map packs will be released with exclusive Clone Wars figures: Asajj Ventress, Master Luminara Unduli, and Anakin Skywalker Jedi.
2009 will also bring with it three expansion sets, but information was only given about the first two. Imperial Entanglements should be released in February of 2009 and will focus on Episodes V and VI, with some Expanded Universe characters from that era as well. The panel hinted that we will see a new and improved Dash Rendar, possibly with Twin Attack. It also mentioned a character named Darth Vader Legacy of the Force and said this figure will strike fear in the heart of gamers.
The second expansion of 2009, set to release in June, is named Jedi Academy. It will be focus heavily on force users from all eras of Star Wars and things related to the force. The set sounds like it will have a heavy Expanded Universe focus. Hopefully the set will bring some needed support pieces for Old Republic, New Republic, and the Yuuzhan Vong.
A brand new map was unexpectedly released at GenCon. On Sunday some players were given a map on the back of the Knights of the Old Republic set poster. The map is of the lower levels of Taris from the original KotOR video game. The new maps should be shipping out to gaming stores very shortly in Wizards' league kits. Included is a photo of the new map, sorry about the glare.
A big thanks to Wizards of the Coast for hosting such an informative panel!