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Star Wars: The Magic of Myth
- Field Museum, Chicago

BothanSigh's report on "Star Wars: The Magic of Myth" at the Field Museum in Chicago.
Published on October 30, 2000
Pictures added November 1, 2000 (Supplied by TK-421)

Star Wars: The Magic of Myth - Field Museum, Chicago

As you wait in line to see the exhibit, you are shown a film that talks about the sound effects and symbolism present in the Star Wars movies. The film is subtitled, so if it gets too loud in line, you can still read what is going on.

The Magic of Myth - Field Museum, Chicago The Magic of Myth - Field Museum, Chicago The Magic of Myth - Field Museum, Chicago

The subtitles were the worst I have ever seen. It makes me wonder how much input LFL had in it. For example, "Light Saber" became "Light Saver". It is pretty strange that someone has not noticed these details.

Some of the greatest aspects of the exhibit are the beautiful props and production models on show, the fact that most of the major happenings in the movies are featured.

The Magic of Myth - Field Museum, Chicago The Magic of Myth - Field Museum, Chicago The Magic of Myth - Field Museum, Chicago

The employees were dressed up as Star Wars characters, running around taking pictures with everyone. They really seemed to get into the spirit of the event. One of the Stormtroopers who got into the elevator with me asked for "Detention Level 7".

There were production models of the Falcon, Star Destroyer, and Pod Racer, and a collection of McQuarrie's concept drawings. The prop for Darth Vader's helmet had the helmet piece removed and inverted. You could see inside as well as a close up of Darth without the helmet.

Magic of Myth - Inside Darth Vader's Helmet Magic of Myth - Darth Vader Magic of Myth - Inside Darth Vader's Helmet
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