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The Force-Cast For November 3rd 2006 Posted By Jason on November 2, 2006
Strap yourself in for another episode of the Force-Cast! We kick off the show this week with a big 'Thank You' to everyone for helping us accomplish our goal of finishing up in the Top 10 at Podcast Alley for October. We have a lot of fun this week talking about Celebration IV tickets, Shadows of the Empire 10 years later, the latest on the Star Wars Saga in HD now including the UK, Episode I gets the Mystery Science Theater 3000 treatment, Darth Vader tries to knock over a gas station and much more. We'll also wrap up our chat with Kyle Newman in the Cantina as he takes on the famous questionnaire from Yoda of Dagobah. Plus an update on the 2007 Greatest Hits Tournament of figures, the latest EU book releases, our character of the week, Darth Revan, your Star Wars tales and emails. It's all just a click away!
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