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Podcast: Upcoming Book Releases

Posted By Erik on June 22, 2005

Today's show features Jay from Rebelscum.com. He's less a "guest" and more of a "field correspondent" for anything novel, comic, or chronology related. Today, he fills us in on the upcoming book releases, including both fiction and non-fiction. Looking forward to that new Timothy Zahn novel coming out this November? Well, don't put it on your Christmas list, because it won't show up in time. You didn't hear it was delayed? Me either. That's okay, Jay's here to keep us on top of things.

Also featured on today's show is an interview I did with Jeremy Bulloch from the Celebration III convention. If you've never had a chance to meet him, he's a great guy. Very soft-spoken, but also very friendly and easy to talk to. And, as you'll see from the interview, he cares a lot about the fans.

Finally, I mentioned in the podcast that I'd put a link in the show notes here. A couple of listeners have requested "Kessel" make an appearance on the show. She didn't really fit in anywhere, so I wasn't able to put her in the show anywhere, but here's a clip I'm saving for any "blooper reel" I may construct in the future. I was interrupted during the recording of today's podcast show by my "production manager," who decided I had more important things to do. Here's the clip.

Thanks to those of you who voted for us on PodcastAlley.com. Out of over 3.800 podcasts, we're ranked in the top 50! There's still time for June's votes, so head on over and make your voice heard!

If you're using podcast software, you can have the TFN Podcast downloaded automatically by pointing your software to http://feeds.feedburner.com/tfn -- otherwise, you can download the file directly from this link:

TFN_050622.mp3 (running time: 27:44)

[Podcast - News Archives]
ForceCast #251: To Spoil or Not to Spoil
Posted By Eric on May 3, 2013:
Erik and Eric discuss a central issue of our time

Jedi Journals: May 2013
Posted By Dustin on May 1, 2013:
Chris & Jay discuss their May The 4th (Be With You) plans!

ForceCast #250: Hatchet Day
Posted By Eric on April 19, 2013:
Layoffs and rumors

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