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Podcast: Revenge of the Sith Posted By Erik on May 20, 2005
The circle is now complete! Revenge of the Sith is finally here!
In its first two and a half hours, it was already breaking records, bringing in almost $17 million just from the midnight showings alone! I know a lot of people are going to be watching the box office results every week now, so I start today's podcast out with a run-down of the various records, which movies hold them, and how Phantom Menace and Attack of the Clones did in each category.
I am, without question, a die-hard Star Wars fan. But I don't blindly praise everything Lucas has done, even with the original trilogy. It'd be unfair and dishonest of me to portray Revenge of the Sith as a perfect film. Therefore, I do comment quite extensively about the problems I see in the movie.
However, it really is a great addition to the Star Wars saga, and despite several imperfections, I loved the film. It's a vast improvement over the other prequels, and it's the first time since 1983 that we've seen something that really seems to catch the feeling of the originals. In this podcast, I rant a bit about the annoyances I found, but then wrap things up on a good note, pointing out what's great about the film.
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