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Podcast: Prequel Novels Overview

Posted By Erik on July 9, 2005

I've been overwhelmed with emails from people who have never explored the Expanded Universe before, and are looking for information on where to begin. The feedback for the overview I did for the post-Return of the Jedi novels was very positive, so we're going to continue our coverage of the Expanded Universe.

In today's show, Jay from Rebelscum.com is back, giving us an overview of novels from the prequel era. We've also gotten a lot of requests for similar coverage of the various comic series, so look forward to that in an upcoming episode.

As I mentioned above, the content for today's show was a direct result of listener feedback, and based on ideas we've gotten from our listeners, we've got several show ideas lined up, but we're always looking for more feedback! If there's a topic you'd like too see us cover, whether to give you information or to discuss opinions, please write in and let us know!

Thanks to those of you who voted for us on PodcastAlley.com. Out of over 4,000 podcasts, we finally broke into the Top 25! If you like the show, all we ask is that you tell your friends about us, and that you show your support in by clicking here and voting to help give us visibility to those people who aren't aware of the show yet.

You can get our show in one of three ways:

1. If you're using iTunes v4.9, simply search for "TheForce.Net" in the podcast section of the Music Store, then click "Subscribe."

2. If you're using podcast software, you can have the TFN Podcast downloaded automatically by pointing your software to http://feeds.feedburner.com/tfn

3. You can download the file right now by clicking this link:
TFN_050709.mp3 (running time: 25:30)

UPDATED: With the launch of iTunes version 4.9, several new RSS tags were added for podcasting. After posting this episode and getting emails from some of you (thank you!), I was running around, banging on my equipment, shouting "It's not my fault!" in my best Harrison Ford impression. However, Philip and I managed to get it straighted out (turns out part of it was my fault... go figure), and the show now correctly appears in iTunes and in all other podcast-catching programs. Thanks for your patience!

[Podcast - News Archives]
ForceCast #251: To Spoil or Not to Spoil
Posted By Eric on May 3, 2013:
Erik and Eric discuss a central issue of our time

Jedi Journals: May 2013
Posted By Dustin on May 1, 2013:
Chris & Jay discuss their May The 4th (Be With You) plans!

ForceCast #250: Hatchet Day
Posted By Eric on April 19, 2013:
Layoffs and rumors

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