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Podcast: Michael Stackpole Interview (Part 2)

Posted By Erik on July 27, 2005

Today we've got the second part of our interview with Michael Stackpole, best selling author of the X-Wing novels and comics. Want to know who was originally going to be the main character in I, Jedi? Want to know the reason behind Mike's first visit to TFN? Or his thoughts on some important events in the New Jedi Order series? Or whether he's got any future Star Wars books lined up?

We normally release one podcast per week, but this week we're giving you two! Check back on Friday for the third and final part of our interview with Mike. Then check back next week for a new feature we'll be implementing, called "microcasts." What's a microcast? I'll explain in today's episode.

Here's how to get our show:

Thanks to those of you who voted for us on PodcastAlley.com! Out of about 5,000 podcasts, we've made it to the top 20, and we're still climbing! If you haven't voted yet this month, show your support by clicking here!

We've been nominated for the podcast People's Choice Awards in the "Movies/Film" category! We've got some pretty tough competition, since ours is a "niche" podcast whereas the others are more general, and also because the other podcasts nominated there are actually quite good. So let's show people how dedicated the Star Wars fan community is, and that there really is life after Episode III! Head on over to Podcast Awards and make your vote count!

[Podcast - News Archives]
ForceCast #251: To Spoil or Not to Spoil
Posted By Eric on May 3, 2013:
Erik and Eric discuss a central issue of our time

Jedi Journals: May 2013
Posted By Dustin on May 1, 2013:
Chris & Jay discuss their May The 4th (Be With You) plans!

ForceCast #250: Hatchet Day
Posted By Eric on April 19, 2013:
Layoffs and rumors

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