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Podcast: Listener Feedback Posted By Erik on May 30, 2005
No, I didn't drop off the face of the planet. Honest! Part of the delay since the last episode was me being out of town, and part of it was that I've been sick over the last few days (as you'll probably be able to tell when listening to this podcast episode). Don't worry, gaps this long between episodes will be rare.
The focus of today's podcast is the listener feedback from my Episode III review. I was pleased to see that most everyone who wrote in really liked Revenge of the Sith. When it came down to some of the specific, individual aspects of the film, opinions were split down the middle on some key issues, and there were a lot of really good points made. As always, people's opinions will differ, and even when some listeners took the exact opposite stance on an issue from what I did, it was interesting to see their point of view and how they approached it.
However, there were three of you who pointed out a rather serious problem with my review. In my "commentary piece," I fess up to a major oversight from my review, learning the hard lesson that things don't always come across as I might think they do.
Oh, one more thing... You've heard about this new Star Wars movie that Lucas is making, right? Don't believe the hype! Sure, there's some good info in some of the related news stories, but it seems many people are jumping to conclusions. If you haven't heard what's going on, I'll fill you in.
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