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Podcast: Episode III Reviews Posted By Erik on May 13, 2005
For many of you who are avoiding spoilers, you're afraid to click on any links to Episode III reviews for fear of having something spoiled. Fear not! In this episode, I recap several very good reviews, most of which had spoilers, and give you a finished product that's spoiler-free!
Included is a spoiler-free interpretation of Scott's "parental guide" posted here on TFN, after which I recap reviews written by Scott and Josh (both of TFN), Robert from, Blake from, Harry from Ain't It Cool, Garth from Dark Horizons, Edgar Wright (Sean of the Dead director) and Kevin Smith (writer/director of Clerks).
If you're using podcast software, you can have the TFN Podcast downloaded automatically by pointing your software to -- otherwise, you can download the file directly from this link:
UPDATE: Sorry everyone! I was apparently having an FTP problem I wasn't aware of. It seems the file that was uploaded was only about five minutes long. I just finished uploading the full file again, and I've confirmed it's all there. Thanks to everyone who's written in and let me know!