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New Podcast Feature: Microcasts!

Posted By Erik on August 3, 2005

Today our new "microcast" feature goes live!

Our microcast shows will run between two and five minutes in length, and they'll normally focus on listener feedback. These shows will be posted in additional to our regular shows.

After today, we will not post news items to the main TheForce.Net homepage when new microcasts appear. We will, however, post articles in the "Podcasts" section of TFN, which you can get to either by using the drop-down list in the upper-left corner of the homepage or by browsing to http://www.theforce.net/podcast.

If you subscribe to our podcast through iTunes or by using the RSS feed, you'll automatically get the microcast shows. And don't forget, the term "subscribe" in this case is somewhat misleading -- a podcast "subscription" just means you have a program that you point to a podcast show and tell it to automatically download the MP3 files anytime a new show is posted. There's no registration process and no charge. It's just that someone decided to call the process a "subscription." Don't worry, it's free.

UPDATE: David wrote in and told me Steve Sansweet said at ComicCon that there would be a six-movie box set, but that it won't be released this year. Steve didn't mention a prequel box set, but it's a safe bet that it's going to be a later release too. Thanks David!

Here's how to get our show:

Thanks to those of you who voted for us on PodcastAlley.com! If you haven't voted yet this month, show your support by clicking here!

[Podcast - News Archives]
ForceCast #251: To Spoil or Not to Spoil
Posted By Eric on May 3, 2013:
Erik and Eric discuss a central issue of our time

Jedi Journals: May 2013
Posted By Dustin on May 1, 2013:
Chris & Jay discuss their May The 4th (Be With You) plans!

ForceCast #250: Hatchet Day
Posted By Eric on April 19, 2013:
Layoffs and rumors

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