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C3 Podcast: SW in 30 Minutes Posted By Erik on April 21, 2005
The Celebration III show doesn't officially kick off until today, but I ran into Patrick and Jason from "Star Wars in 30 Minutes" yesterday, and I wanted to get their interview up as soon as possible so that attendees can hear about the show and make sure they get a chance to see it.
I knew that there may be some technical difficulties with the first interview I did while I was here and that there was a possibility my first interview may have to be dropped.
But I refuse to drop these guys, despite the technical issues -- they're just too cool. So bear with me. You'll hear portions of the interview where the volume (and in some cases, the static) is inconsistent. That's not because I'm cutting parts of the interview; it's because I'm fixing the "leveling" so you can hear everything. Unfortunately, that even includes the background noise, cell phones, etc. Sorry, had to be done. Nobody's perfect.
The good news is that Steven Sansweet dropped in unexpectedly during the interview and shared a few thoughts. And the really good news is that Patrick and Jason were a lot of fun to talk to and are putting on what is easily one of the best Star Wars fan productions out there!
If you've got a podcast reader, the link for our newsfeed is "". Otherwise, you can download the file directly from this link: