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Wookiee Life Day

Posted By Dustin on November 12, 2010

Spokane, WA, November 12, 2010: On November 17, 1978 The Star Wars Holiday Special aired for one time only on CBS in the United States. Featuring an odd story about Chewbacca reuniting with his family to celebrate the Wookiee holiday of Life Day, it has gone on to live in infamy among Star Wars fans. The special includes appearances and strange musical performances from the cast of the original Star Wars movie, as well as Bea Arthur, Art Carney, Harvey Korman, Diahann Carroll, and Jefferson Starship. To no ones surprise The Star Wars Holiday Special is renowned for its overwhelmingly negative reception. Lucasfilm has never released the Holiday Special to the public after its initial broadcast, but it has lived on through video recordings and sharing among friends.

The first annual Wookiee Life Day was held on November 17, 2009. The original celebration was held at the Baby Bar in Spokane, WA where a collection of geeks, hipsters, and Stormtroopers united to watch The Star Wars Holiday Special on the 31st anniversary of its lone broadcast. Those in attendance donned crimson colored Snuggies to recreate the look of the ceremonial Wookiee Life Day robes as seen in the Holiday Special. Before the celebration, word of the ironic new Holiday quickly spread across the Internet and articles were featured on Snuggie Sightings, TheForce.net, and even StarWars.com. This led to people holding their own Wookiee Life Day celebrations all around the world!

For the 2nd Annual Wookiee Life Day on November 17, 2010 fans of The Star Wars Holiday Special are encouraged to host their own celebrations wherever they choose. From local cantinas, to coffee houses, to tiny 1-bedroom apartments ? anywhere works! All you need is a way to watch The Star Wars Holiday Special and some Crimson Snuggies (or other brands/colors of sleeved blankets, backwards bathrobes). Everyone who participates is encouraged to send in pictures of their festivities to Wookiee Life Day via facebook, twitter, tumblr, etc.

Wookiee Life Day started as an excuse for some people to get silly at a bar, but also to create more public awareness of the anomaly that is The Star Wars Holiday Special. The ultimate goal of Wookiee Life Day is to show Lucasfilm that there is indeed much fan interest in their oddball property ? and that it demands an official release on DVD and Blu-ray! Until then, and after, fans around the world will be celebrating Wookiee Life Day every November 17th.

11/17/78 Never Forget

?If I had the time and a sledgehammer, I would track down every copy of that show and smash it.? - George Lucas

Wookie Life Day Links

Blog: http://WookieeLifeDay.com
Twitter: http://twitter.com/WookieeLifeDay
Tumblr: http://WookieeLifeDay.tumblr.com
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/WookieeLifeDay
Facebook Event Page: http://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=179729599544
StarWars.com Article: http://starwarsblog.starwars.com/index.php/2009/11/17/happy-wookiee-life-day

More Information on The Star Wars Holiday Special

?Official? Unofficial Website: http://www.StarWarsHolidaySpecial.com
Wiki: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Star_Wars_Holiday_Special

Wookiee Life Day, is in no way endorsed by Lucasfilm Ltd. or Snuggie. Star Wars and The Star Wars Holiday Special are ? and ? Lucasfilm Ltd. Snuggie is a registered trademark of APG. 4 8 15 16 23 42

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