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Star Wars: In The Shadows Audio Drama Posted By Mike on September 20, 2009
See below for the press release regarding the non-profit fan-production audio drama, Star Wars: In The Shadows:
September 20th, 2009 (Ottawa, ON, Canada) ? Almost three years after releasing Karen Traviss? audio drama adaptation of Omega Squad : Targets, Creative Audioscape Productions is proud to release its new audio drama project : Star Wars ? In the Shadows.
Title: Star Wars : In the Shadows
Number of episode: Six (+/- 25min/each)
Chronology: in Continuity, one year before the Battle of Yavin (1BBY)
Original story written by : Dany P?pin
Produced & Directed by : Dany P?pin
Born and raised in a military family, Emma Wermis will slowly discover that the Empire is not what she always been taught it was. Her allegiance to the Empire will be tested and she will, during her adventures, uncover something about her family and a secret weapon kept hidden even within the Empire.
SWITS is a classic Star Wars space opera not unlike ?A New Hope?. It could be describe as a light fugitive/adventure story with some mature theme inserted within. SWITS has been inspired by the Star Wars movies but also its Expanded Universe (EU) like the media giant Shadows of the Empire and The Force Unleashed. There are small EU references that will appeal to the fans of the genre, but most importantly the participation of Darth Vader, Emperor Palpatine, Xizor, Guri and Mon Mothma in the story plot.
September 20th : Official Trailer
October 4th Episode 1 : Criminal Entanglements
October 18th Episode 2 : Against all Odds
November 8th Episode 3 : Amidst the Enemy
November 22nd Episode 4: Revelations
December 6th Episode 5 : Falleen Dealings
December 20th Episode 6 : Echoes from the Past
Dany P?pin (37y/o) is a French-Canadian born in Quebec, now living in Ottawa, Ontario. SWITS is Dany?s first original fan fiction of any type in his second language (English) and only second audio drama project following the surprising adaptation of Karen Traviss? short story Omega Squad: Targets. Dany was mostly known in Star Wars fandom by his implication in the French community and his Star Wars radio show Star Wars en Direct, both in French (since 2001) and English (2003-2006).
Creative Audioscape Productions (CAP) is a non-profit organization that produces and distribute fan made audio drama1 for the pleasure and entertainment of the listeners. We are amateur producers that enjoy the rejuvenation of the audio drama medium and happily create and distribute them for free.
CAP was created in 2006 during the production of Omega Squad : Targets and took under its fold the French and English edition of the live podcast Star Wars en Direct. We are currently focusing on Sci-Fi audio drama productions but our objective is to expand into different genres.
Rebelscum Breast Cancer Awareness Charity Patch Posted By Philip on November 25, 2014: Thanks to everybody that ordered patches. I sent a check for $1,600.00 to the National Breast Cancer Foundation on Monday. While it's not as much as I hoped for, it's still very much appreciated. They will remain for sale in the store for anybody that still wishes to purchase them. Details after the jump.