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Science of Star Wars on Discovery Channel

Posted By Britany on April 29, 2005

TVPredictions.com reports:

Continuing its out-of-this-world theme, on Wednesday, May 18 from 8 pm to 11 pm, Discovery HD Theater will present THE SCIENCE OF STAR WARS, a special that reveals various types of "Star Wars-like" equipment in use today - or at least in development stages. Premiering on the Discovery Channel May 16-18, and hosted by none other Anthony Daniels as C-3PO and himself (with help from R2-D2), the HD version of SCIENCE OF STAR WARS will explore the real scientific underpinnings of the STAR WARS franchise.

THE SCIENCE OF STAR WARS premieres on May 18 at 8 pm (ET), offering high definition viewers yet another look at the extraordinary world of outer space. Three hour-long episodes of THE SCIENCE OF STAR WARS will be packaged on Discovery HD Theater as "HD from a Galaxy Far, Far Away." Episode one, "Man and Machine," takes a close look at how robots are currently used to clean the house, walk the dog, and identify life in the rubble caused by an earthquake. It examines how droids will soon replace astronauts on dangerous spacewalks and act as flying R2-D2's to people living in space. And the future of artificial intelligence makes Darth Vader possible as scientists give prosthetics a mind of their own.

"Space Cowboys" is the title of THE SCIENCE OF STAR WARS episode two, which looks at high tech methods of mobility and communication. The show theorizes that in the near future hovercraft may be commonplace vehicles. Various other vehicles are still in prototype stages, but H2O cars and HyWire cars (hydrogen and by wire) are here today and equipped with technology able to "sense" traffic patterns or danger ahead. This episode poses the question of how tomorrow's hot rods might look.

The final episode of THE SCIENCE OF STAR WARS, "War, Weaponry and The Force" examines how "Star Wars" technology is changing the military. Not quite a clone army yet, but the Future Force Warrior (FFW-Army) and the Berkely Lower Extremity Exoskeleton (BLEEX) are equipping fighters with Storm Trooper-like gear. Laser Blasters being tested by the US military are a directed energy weapon that uses a laser beam to send an electric charge to the target. The Close Quarters Shock Rifle projects an ionized gas or plasma toward the target, and it can neutralize a whole group of attackers, and kill their electronic ignition getaway systems at the same time. This episode also explores the culture of China's Shaolin monks, martial arts experts whose philosophy of harmony with nature has led some to call them "real life Jedi Knights."

The show airs in the UK on May 22nd.

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Rebelscum Breast Cancer Awareness Charity Patch
Posted By Philip on November 25, 2014:
Thanks to everybody that ordered patches. I sent a check for $1,600.00 to the National Breast Cancer Foundation on Monday. While it's not as much as I hoped for, it's still very much appreciated. They will remain for sale in the store for anybody that still wishes to purchase them. Details after the jump.

BBC Interviews J.J. Abrams About Trek And Wars
Posted By Eric on May 3, 2013:
Episode VII gig "once in a lifetime opportunity"

CEII: Jabba's Palace Reunion - Massive Guest Announcements
Posted By Chris on May 3, 2013:
10 new guests announced!

Fathead's May the Fourth Be With You!
Posted By Philip on May 3, 2013:
30% off Star Wars Fatheads

Star Wars Night With The Tampa Bay Storm Reminder
Posted By Chris on May 3, 2013:
Saturday, May 4th at 9:00pm!

Stephen Hayford Star Wars Weekends Exclusive Art
Posted By Chris on May 3, 2013:
Hunt down all four prints!

ForceCast #251: To Spoil or Not to Spoil
Posted By Eric on May 3, 2013:
Erik and Eric discuss a central issue of our time

New Timothy Zahn Audio Books Coming
Posted By Chris on May 3, 2013:
Allegiance, Specter of the Past, Vision of the Future!

SDCC: Exclusive Black Series Boba Fett With Han In Carbonite Set
Posted By Chris on May 3, 2013:
USA Today reveals Hasbro's offering

Star Wars Art Exposition May 4th
Posted By Philip on May 3, 2013:
It's Happening In Houston

Star Wars Celebration VII In Orlando?
Posted By Chris on May 3, 2013:
Story updated inside

The Force Within Us Celebrates May The 4th Be With You!
Posted By Jay on May 3, 2013:
Amazing freebies!

The Clone Wars Takes Home Voice Acting Trophies
Posted By Eric on May 2, 2013:
Series wins People's Choice for Best TV Vocal Ensemble

Star Wars Origami Free May 4th Download
Posted By Dustin on May 2, 2013:
Workman Publishing Posts Fun Freebie

May The FETT Be With You
Posted By Dustin on May 2, 2013:
The Dented Helmet / MIMOBOT giveaway!

Mimoco: New Mimobot Coming May 4th
Posted By Chris on May 2, 2013:
Who will it be?

WeLoveFine Loves May The 4th
Posted By Dustin on May 2, 2013:
Contest winners and t-shirt sales all weekend!

May The Fourth Grant You Savings On A Great Book!
Posted By Dustin on May 2, 2013:
Gus and Duncan's Comprehensive Guide to Star Wars Collectibles

Star Wars Island In Geoffrey's Jungle
Posted By Dustin on May 2, 2013:
Toys "R" Us Celebrates May the 4th

Catalog Details For New Essential Characters Guide
Posted By Eric on May 2, 2013:
Synopsis, quick facts, and rough release date

Synopsis Posted For Star Wars: Kenobi
Posted By Eric on May 2, 2013:
"The Republic has fallen. Sith Lords rule the galaxy."

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