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TheForce.net Star Wars Miniatures Scenario Contest

Posted By Dajuan on December 4, 2008

TheForce.net is hosting a Star Wars Miniatures custom scenario contest. Scenarios are best described as pre-created battles. In normal game play, Minis players each create their own squads and battle other players in one-on-one battles. Scenarios, on the other hand, are generally pre-created and pre-set up for two or more players. There are usually set goals for each team to accomplish in the game and special rules for the battle. Scenarios often seek to recreate a ?historical? Star Wars battle from the movies, books, or comics.

What TheForce.Net would like you to do is create a custom scenario and submit it to us by 12:01am EDT on January 10th. The creator(s) of the top scenario will receive a $60 gift card from www.MiniatureMarket.com, the second place scenario will receive a $40 gift card, and third place will receive $20. Gift cards will be redeemable for any merchandise at MiniatureMarket.com. Winners will be announced within two weeks of the contest date and prizes should be received shortly after that.

Who: The contest is open to anyone 18 or over. Each entrant is limited to submitting no more than three scenarios. Scenarios submitted after a person?s third will not be judged. Any evidence of plagiarism will cause all of an entrant?s scenarios to be removed from the contest. Scenarios created by two or more people may be submitted, but will only receive one prize if chosen as a winner.

How to enter: Entries should be submitted via email to Dajuan@theforce.net by 12:01am EDT on January 10th . Each entry needs to have the full name and email address of the entrant(s). Entries without names and email addresses will not be eligible for prizes. Winners will be notified via email and will have their scenarios posted on TheForce.Net.

Disclaimer: Names and email address submitted to TFN will NOT be given to anyone (with the exception of the winners? information to Miniaturemarket.com for prize claiming). By submitting your scenario to this contest you are agreeing to allow TFN to post it after the contest end date. TFN reserves the right to make minimal changes to the scenario before it is posted (changes would most likely be in the form of spelling/grammar or formatting issues).

Judges: Dajuan and Hothie, both avid Star Wars miniatures players and scenario creators, will serve as judges for the contest.

Example Scenarios: Wizards of the Coast occasionally posts scenarios on their website. The recently posted Permanent Demotion is a great example of a 2-3 person scenario. Knightfall a joint effort of Dajuan and Hothie is another example of a small 2-4 person scenario and Hothie?s Hey Chancellor, Need a Lift?, built for 10 people and encompassing five separate maps, is a nice example of a massive battle. Knightfall and Hey Chancellor, Need a Lift can both be found here.

Links to Maps: To make finding and linking maps easier here are some links to sites that have Star Wars Miniatures maps:
Maps created by WotC
The Holocron
Jedi Cartographer?s Map Pack

Judging Criteria: The scenarios will be judged on the following criteria using a 0-10 scale (10 is the best, 0 the worst).
Every Scenario will be judged in the following categories:
? Access - Will most people have access to all of the figures/maps required for the scenario and are reasonable alternatives suggested if they do not? As fun at 3-D terrain is, it is very hard to reproduce and not very accessible.
? Balance - Are the squads evenly balanced or does one side have an unfair advantage?
? Clarity - Are each side?s goals for the scenario clear? Are the pieces required and set up areas clear?
? Creativity
? Map - Is there a map listed, if so is it a custom map or a WotC produced map? If it is a custom map are pictures and/or links to the map available?
? Star Wars Spirit - Does the scenario attempt to recreate a ?historic? Star Wars battle, is it a deleted scene from a book/movie/comic, or a what if battle? If it is none of these (and that is fine if it is) does it have a Star Wars feel to it?
? Time of Play - Can the game be completed in a reasonable timeframe?
? General Playability - Does the scenario sound like fun to play? Is it easy to set up and start playing after reading the rules?

The following categories will be judged if they apply:
? Custom Figures - If custom figures are used are their stats, special abilities, and commander effects realistically given and costed? Is a suitable stand in figure suggested if a figure is customized?
? Custom Map/Terrain - If custom maps or terrain are used are links given for the map and/or a suitable replacement suggested?
? Custom Rules - If there are custom rules for the scenario are they well explained and reasonable? Do they make sense?
? Flexibility - If the scenario calls for five or more players, does it have allowances if fewer or more people show than are required?
? Play Test Rating- The top scenarios will be play tested by the judges and their miniatures group if possible.

Please direct any questions about the contest to Dajuan@theforce.net.

Special thanks to MiniatureMarket.com for providing the prizes for the contest!

Reminder, the deadline is fast approaching! Thanks to everyone who has entered so far.

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