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TFN Interview: Kyle Newman

Posted By Mandy on February 1, 2010

In honor of the one-year anniversary of Fanboys on February 6, TFN wanted to touch base with one of our favorite fans, Kyle Newman. Here's the dish...

MandyB: First of all, I?d like to thank you for being our guest in the new TFN Interview series and taking time out of your busy schedule to humor me.

It?s no secret I?m a huge fan of Fanboys. It?s earned a loving place snuggled between my boxed Indiana Jones DVDs and the SW saga. Have you had a chance to stay in touch with your production crew and actors?

Kyle Newman: Why thank you! I?m honored? and pleased to hear that. It?s always great to meet someone who enjoyed the film; something I spent years of my life making.

We assembled such a great team to bring FANBOYS to life and I made many friends along the way. And I really try to stay in touch with everyone I can. I am putting together some very exciting projects with a lot of the key people from FANBOYS, in fact (the writers, producers, actors). It would be a pleasure to work with any/all of them again! Everyone who made FANBOYS with me really poured their heart and soul into. That type of dedication is hard to come by.

MB: As we know from the ForceCast, you are a collector. What is your most prized collectible, sentimental wise?

KN: Well, I love my vintage toys. They have great sentimental value to me. I remember when I got each and every one of those figures. Some were hand me downs from my older brothers, but they ended up in my collection. Ha ha! I was a collector from age two on. But I guess if you were to say I could only keep one thing... probably my vintage carded 32 back ESB Yoda. I love that little guy. But honestly, I would have to keep all of my vintage figures.

MB: I know you?re slated to direct Emo Boy. Has preproduction/production begun yet?

KN: Emo Boy is definitely on the agenda for the near future, but it may be taking a different shape. I can?t really say anything else yet, but I am a massive fan of Steve Emond?s graphic novels and am dedicated to bringing it to life. Emo Boy is such a unique ?hero?.

MB: Other than Emo Boy, do you have any other projects in the works that you are free to discuss, particularly anything Star Wars related?

KN: I have been very busy this past year developing material for film and television. And I?ve even started a production Company with my wife, Jaime King. Our goal is to collaborate with friends and develop independent of the studio system as much as we can. Jaime and I complement each other well and have been having a blast coming up with new ideas together. We literally are working on everything ? material that ranges from comedy to historical to animation to drama to sci-fi thriller. My Wolfman Jack biopic with Ernie Cline is getting really close too, so fingers crossed!

MB: Are there any movies that you?d like to recommend to your fellow SW fans out there?

KN: Well, I will recommend films that I love - films that shaped me as a fan of the medium and still inspire me. So, in no particular order, here goes? 2001: A Space Odyssey, The Bicycle Thief, Days of Heaven, The Goonies, 8 ?, Close Encounters of the Third Kind, Unbreakable, The Third Man, Peter Pan, Galaxy Quest, Withnail & I, American Graffitti, The Conversation, Rules of the Game, Beetlejuice, Alien, The Nightmare Before Christmas, Rear Window and Paths of Glory. This year I loved Inglourious Basterds, Moon, Up, and The Hurt Locker to name a few.

MB: You have been a vocal proponent of The Clone Wars animated series. What do you most look forward to seeing in Season 2?

KN: It seems like every time the fan in me asks for something in my head, the show somehow delivers. So I am just going to sit back and enjoy the ride. I am pumped for the Mandalorians and the return of classic characters like Boba Fett and Bossk. And I just love Cad Bane.

MB: Your wife is the lovely and multi-talented Jaime King. Are those non-disclosure agreements driving you crazy re: Aurra Sing?

KN: It?s fun for me to go to the audio sessions with her, but I sure do wish I could geek out about what?s in store for us fans afterwards. There are some very cool things coming down the pipeline that?s for sure! Star Wars is still an exciting, expanding, ever-changing universe. And despite this entire series being stuck between two films, it?s the character?s arcs not their destinies that make them interesting. Aurra is such a badass bounty hunter and Jaime simply loves being a part of the Star Wars Universe and working with the Clone Wars crew. Dave Filoni is such a class act. He is the best captain in the galaxy for that ship.

MB: Unfortunately, you and Jaime were unable to attend Fandays 3. Will we be seeing y?all at Celebration V?

KN: Absolutely! Provided I am not stuck on a set somewhere. I will do whatever it takes to be there. I attended Celebrations II, III, IV and Europe and do not intend to miss this one. And personally I feel that Orlando is an inspired choice for the host city because I am such a huge Disney fan too. Seeing the Wizarding World of Harry Potter is also on the agenda. (Wait, am I allowed to admit that?)

MB: James Arnold Taylor recently posted on facebook and twitter about working with you on a motion comic. Can you give us any juicy details?

KN: Sure can! I am directing motion comic adaptation of the comic book tie-ins to the upcoming Horror film THE CRAZIES. The comics help round out the central story of the film by exploring some of the film?s periphery characters before, during and after the infection sets in. James is a superb actor and an equally great person. I?ve gotten to know him over the past few months and really respect his incredible talents. I am mesmerized by all of the impersonations he can do. I told the producers we had to bring him aboard. James plays two characters and Jaime plays several as well! And they aren?t the only Star Wars alums -- Ray Park anchored my SPARTACUS motion comic tie-in for the new Starz! TV series, supplying the voice for the lead character (and narrator) Arkadios the Gladiator. It was a little FANBOYS reunion.

MB: You?re a huge soccer fan. Tell us how you became interested in the sport. (And why you?re such a huge ManU/Wayne Rooney fan?) ; )

KN: I am an insane soccer fan. I?ve played all my life and I am a dedicated advocate of the sport. I wake up every Saturday at 7am? sometimes 5am to watch the matches live. The English league is fast and furious and my team is ARSENAL. There are a London based team with a wonderful long history and boast and incredible style of play. If you don?t have a team, then let me recommend a brand new love affair for you ? ARSENAL! I fell in love with them back in the early 90?s and have spent the better part of two decades watching them grow.

MB: According to Twitter, you share a love of the Red Lobster with Bonnie Burton. Are you in it for the cheese biscuits?

KN: The cheese bisquits at Red Lobster are a delicacy? maybe even a national culinary treasure! You can sign me up for an ?Admiral?s Feast? any day. I am also fan of the OG. Ya know, the Olive Garden. Love to take the ?Tour of Italy? Ha ha! But generally I eat healthy.

MB: Star Wars Lightning Round:

1. Biggest pet peeve re: the franchise?
2. Character you?d like to have beer with?
3. If you had to be stuck in an escape pod with some gentlebeing from the GFFA, who?s it going to be?


a. It?s a tie between Jar Jar?s EP 1 swan dive and Ben Quadrinaros. I still get angry when I see him on screen. He just doesn?t seem to fit into the Star Wars universe design wise for me. He looks like some left over California Raisin doesn?t he? And Jar Jar?s dive?? Let?s just say that may be the most unnecessary moment in the history of film. Other than that I love TPM.

b. I don?t drink, (it clouds my Force abilities), so I?d love talk the nuances of the Force with Yoda over a tall, cool glass of blue milk.

c. Aurra Sing would be a good co-pilot. : )

MB: Once again, Kyle you've proved your Fanboy-cred for the community-at-large. We always love having you participate in TFN-related activities. Good luck with all of your future projects and tell Jaime hello for us!

Fanboys is available on DVD, Blu-Ray, and Digital Download.

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