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Star Wars Weekends Report

Posted By Mike on July 4, 2007

Friend of TFN, Jangofett29, was lucky enough to attend the first day of Star Wars Weekends at Disneys MGM Studios. See below for his report:

"Just thought I would give you a quick report from the opening day of Star wars Weekends 2007 at Disney's MGM Studios. As originally reported, Warwick Davis was not in attendance as he had contractual obligations with the Narnia sequel filming this week. Bonnie Piesse was in his place and I was very impressed. She performed a song off her upcoming album and was quite good! Even more impressive was Jay Laga'aia, who not only hosted the event, but also signed autographs for fans. I had a chance to see the short documentary "Behind the Force," which was narrated by Jay as well. During the behind the scenes look, Jay jokes that he was available for the televison show. I had a chance to ask Jay about whether he had actually mentioned this to George Lucas, and he told me he had. Jay told him that he would be willing to play any character, no matter how small. However, he was informed that the only returning characters necessary would be Darth Vader and a few others, but that anyone could be in costume for them. Interesting! I have always heard that any characters in the upcoming show would be side characters, not previously introduced. Could it be that the Lord of the Sith may play a role in the series?

Overall, an excellent experience at opening day and I look forward to returning for the next three coming weekends. Let you know if I come across any more info in the coming weeks."

Thanks Jangofett29! Keep tuned to TFN for more updates as the month progresses. As stated above, Jangofett29 has annnual passes and plans on attending each weekend. We look forward to his updates.

Click here for a story on Star Wars Weekends over at the main site.

UPDATE: Click here to go to Starwars.com for images of "2007 Star Wars Weekends #1."

UPDATE #2: Keith G. wrote to let us know that he had been posting a few videos from the first Star Wars Weekend up on YouTube. Click here to check them out.

Thanks to Keith for the link.

UPDATE #3: Click here to go to Starwars.com for their continuing coverage of Star Wars Weekends. This week's guests are Daniel Logan and Ray Park. Make sure to click on Mickey on the right for updated photos.

UPDATE #4: See below for Jangofett29's report from Star Wars Weekend #2:

"Just a little update on the continuing saga of Disney's Star wars Weekends, and what a weekend it has been! This week (June 8-10) was a weekend for the villains we love: Ray Park (AKA Darth Maul) and Daniel Logan (AKA the young Boba Fett). As was expected, the day started out very early with lines forming for the autograph sessions as early as 3 am! Unlike other weekends where there was just the general question answer session, Ray Park decided he wanted to give a little extra for all the fans and had a special intimate look into his career with "A Visit to the Maul." And the man did not fail to impress! Showing off many of his signature Darth Maul flips and kicks, he even had many of the young padawans come on stage and practice their lightsaber skills alongside Jay Laga'aia and himself. And who says that Darth Maul is all bad?! He even allowed all the kids to take home their sith lightsaber as a memento of their brief sparring session.

During the question and answer session, both actors were asked whether they were aware of anything going on with the future television series and Daniel Logan simply passed it off saying "You guys probably know more than I do..." Typical passing of the buck, but I am sure we will find that our favorite bounty hunter will no doubt play some role in the show to come. However, some very interesting news was brought to our attention as Daniel Logan did announce that he had recently signed to do a film with Ray Park and both seemed very excited about the project.

A little side note to show you how really into entertaining fans, Ray Park (seems to be) (against Walt Disney World officials' wishes)...As they approached the main stage for the opening ceremonies, (Ray) jumped from the car he was in during the motorcade and performed his front wheeling kick, much like he did as Darth Maul! This man truly is basking in the glory of his Star Wars fame and he is enjoying every minute of it alongside fans.

Well, this will do it for this weekend of Star Wars weekends. I look forward to next week, when the original Boba Fett, Jeremy Bulloch, and everyone's favorite wookie Chewbacca, Peter Mayhew, will be joining in the celebration. I will give you an update next week. Thanks a lot and May the Force Be With You!

Thanks again to Jangofett29 for the continuing reports.

UPDATE #5: Click here for a write up and some pics at the blogs of the Orlando Sentinel.

UPDATE #6: Daniel Logan (Boba Fett in Episode II) was nice enough to send over his report from Star Wars Weekends #2 to Starwars.com.

Click here to check it out.

UPDATE #7: Click here to go to Starwars.com and their recap of the Star Wars Weekend #3.

UPDATE #8: Jangofett29 is back with his Star Wars Weekend #3 report. See below...

"It was everyone's favorite bounty hunter, Boba Fett, versus the original walking carpet, Chewbacca, at the recent Star Wars Weekends at Disney's MGM Studios. Jeremy Bulloch and Peter Mayhew made the annual trip to Orlando to greet fans in the morning motorcade and graciously gave everyone an opportunity to take pictures with them and to sign autographs. As has been throughout all the festivities, Jay Laga'aia was there to host and provided the question/answer format at the ABC Theatre. If anyone gets a chance to go next weekend, make sure you all arrive early for the show, as storm troopers (much like those guarding the entrance to the park) provide a hysterical comedy routine while guests find their seats. Everything from the infamous holiday special to the appearance of dancing/singing storm troopers on the Donny and Marie Show are spoofed! Jay Laga'aia provided extra entertainment for guests at a 6 o'clock special presentation of his take on the Star Wars saga and his experiences. All in all, another great weekend! Remember that next weekend is the final Star Wars Weekends event! If you have any plans of coming out, you don't want to miss any of the guests on hand! Next week you'll see the 'The Professor', C3-PO (Anthony Daniels), and Warwick Davis (A.K.A. 'Wicket'). That's it for this weekend, looking forward to the next and concluding weekend!"

Thanks as always to Jangofett29 for his updates.

Also have a link to some pics sent in by friend of TFN, Richard T., from Weekend #2. Click here to see.

Thanks to Richard for sharing his memories.

UPDATE #9: Jangofett29 sadly sends up his final report from Star Wars Weekends 2007. Big thanks to him for taking the time to fill us in each week.

"Sad as I am to admit it, this is the final report from Disney's Star Wars Weekends for 2007. It has been a great month of Star Wars celebrities and fans coming together to celebrate the amazing world of George Lucas' creation. For the final weekend, Anthony Daniels (C3-PO) and Warwick Davis (Wicket, Wald, Tatooine citizen) were on hand to meet with fans and to show their love and support for this world-wide phenomenon. As usual, the festivities began with a motorcade, followed by a Jay Laga'aia meet and greet and autograph sessions. Anthony Daniels sported his ever-stylish golden sports coat, including a new accessory: a golden set of Mickey Mouse ears!

The one thing that I must say that I took away from this experience, was the knowledge that Star Wars fans are the greatest fans in the world! No matter how long the lines were, no matter how hot the sun got and no matter how early the day began, the fans were all very enthusiastic and they all supported a family atmosphere where all could discuss what makes the films so important to them. When looking back at the whole month, I probably have more memories of meeting and talking with the different fans then I do of the celebrities in attendance. It is just a wonderful experience and I pray Disney will continue to support this month-long celebration for those who are continually willing to arrive before the sun rises and show their love. For those of you who attended, I hope you all had as much fun as I did. For those of you who were unable to attend, make plans for next year. Hopefully we will all have the chance once again to visit with fans and stars of that galaxy "far, far away."

Thank you theforce.net for allowing me the opportunity to share my experiences with the fans and for continually keeping us all up to date on the ever changing world that is "Star Wars."

May the Force Be With you all,"


UPDATE #10: Click here for coverage of the 4th and final Star Wars Weekend for 2007 over at the main site.

UPDATE #11: Peter Chianca at North Shore Sunday has posted his "Five things I learned at ?Star Wars Weekends?." Click here to check it out.

Thanks to Tom D. for the link.

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