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Star Wars Lethal Alliance

Posted By Dustin on October 24, 2006

The first original Star Wars game built specifically for PSP and DS: Multiplayer modes enhance collaborative gameplay while taking advantage of the unique capabilities of both the PSP? portable entertainment system and Nintendo DS?. Read on for additional information on this eexciting new title coming soon!

In the years between Episodes III and IV, Princess Leia proposes a dangerous quest to secure the future of the Rebel Alliance. As the deadly duo Twi?lek Rianna Saren and her security droid, Zeeo, you must infiltrate Imperial-controlled planets, fight legions of evil fiends, and return with the plans for the most destructive weapon in the galaxy, the Death Star.

Battle through the galaxy as a legendary mercenary team, steal the enemy?s deadliest secret, and triumph over evil in this untold Star Wars? epic adventure.

Key Features
  • One-of-a-kind collaborative fighting: Combine the elite weaponry and acrobatic skills of Rianna with the multifunctional defensive and slicing support of Zeeo to create a formidable team. Only by working together can you complete perilous missions and ultimately steal the plans for the Death Star.

  • Epic gameplay and cinematic action: From the chaotic planet of Coruscant to the dusty, dangerous alleys of Mos Eisley, Rianna and Zeeo must use a full bag of tricks to complete their mission. Set up holographic disguises to fool Imperial guards, commandeer gun turrets, master death-defying flying escapes, and battle carnivorous beasts.

  • Bold new Star Wars characters: Hope lies with Leia?s two newest followers. You must unite Rianna and Zeeo and fight together against oppression and evil, help save the Alliance, and defeat your lifelong enemy ? collaboration is the key to your survival and the survival of the galaxy.

  • Iconic environments and characters: Your mission takes you to far-flung destinations such as Mustafar, the Death Star, and Tatooine; you?ll also experience never-before-seen locations on Despayre, Danuta, and Alderaan. Each new environment offers encounters with unforgettable Star Wars characters and species, including Boba Fett, Kyle Katarn, Princess Leia Organa, Darth Vader, Imperial officers, Rodians, Quarren, and of course stormtroopers.

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    Rebelscum Breast Cancer Awareness Charity Patch
    Posted By Philip on November 25, 2014:
    Thanks to everybody that ordered patches. I sent a check for $1,600.00 to the National Breast Cancer Foundation on Monday. While it's not as much as I hoped for, it's still very much appreciated. They will remain for sale in the store for anybody that still wishes to purchase them. Details after the jump.

    BBC Interviews J.J. Abrams About Trek And Wars
    Posted By Eric on May 3, 2013:
    Episode VII gig "once in a lifetime opportunity"

    CEII: Jabba's Palace Reunion - Massive Guest Announcements
    Posted By Chris on May 3, 2013:
    10 new guests announced!

    Fathead's May the Fourth Be With You!
    Posted By Philip on May 3, 2013:
    30% off Star Wars Fatheads

    Star Wars Night With The Tampa Bay Storm Reminder
    Posted By Chris on May 3, 2013:
    Saturday, May 4th at 9:00pm!

    Stephen Hayford Star Wars Weekends Exclusive Art
    Posted By Chris on May 3, 2013:
    Hunt down all four prints!

    ForceCast #251: To Spoil or Not to Spoil
    Posted By Eric on May 3, 2013:
    Erik and Eric discuss a central issue of our time

    New Timothy Zahn Audio Books Coming
    Posted By Chris on May 3, 2013:
    Allegiance, Specter of the Past, Vision of the Future!

    SDCC: Exclusive Black Series Boba Fett With Han In Carbonite Set
    Posted By Chris on May 3, 2013:
    USA Today reveals Hasbro's offering

    Star Wars Art Exposition May 4th
    Posted By Philip on May 3, 2013:
    It's Happening In Houston

    Star Wars Celebration VII In Orlando?
    Posted By Chris on May 3, 2013:
    Story updated inside

    The Force Within Us Celebrates May The 4th Be With You!
    Posted By Jay on May 3, 2013:
    Amazing freebies!

    The Clone Wars Takes Home Voice Acting Trophies
    Posted By Eric on May 2, 2013:
    Series wins People's Choice for Best TV Vocal Ensemble

    Star Wars Origami Free May 4th Download
    Posted By Dustin on May 2, 2013:
    Workman Publishing Posts Fun Freebie

    May The FETT Be With You
    Posted By Dustin on May 2, 2013:
    The Dented Helmet / MIMOBOT giveaway!

    Mimoco: New Mimobot Coming May 4th
    Posted By Chris on May 2, 2013:
    Who will it be?

    WeLoveFine Loves May The 4th
    Posted By Dustin on May 2, 2013:
    Contest winners and t-shirt sales all weekend!

    May The Fourth Grant You Savings On A Great Book!
    Posted By Dustin on May 2, 2013:
    Gus and Duncan's Comprehensive Guide to Star Wars Collectibles

    Star Wars Island In Geoffrey's Jungle
    Posted By Dustin on May 2, 2013:
    Toys "R" Us Celebrates May the 4th

    Catalog Details For New Essential Characters Guide
    Posted By Eric on May 2, 2013:
    Synopsis, quick facts, and rough release date

    Synopsis Posted For Star Wars: Kenobi
    Posted By Eric on May 2, 2013:
    "The Republic has fallen. Sith Lords rule the galaxy."

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