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Star Wars Insider Issue 91 Posted By Dustin on November 16, 2006
Frank Parisi has posted a nice round up in his blog of what to expect in issue # 91 of the Star Wars Insider coming soon to newstands. The official site has also posted a summary along with images of both variant covers. Read below and click the thumbnails for a larger view!
"We're shipping issue 91 to the printer today-woo hoo! However, I am the unfortunate bearer of bad news. Due to circumstances beyond my control Insider issue 91 will be delayed by 2 weeks, and go on sale on December 19th. I suspect subscribers should start getting their issues a week or two before that. This is something I am personally bummed about, I know what a drag it is to look forward to something only to have it pushed back like this, and I apologize for the delay.
But if it's any consolation I think you'll like a lot of what we've got going on in this issue, which is the first to commemorate the 30th Anniversary of Star Wars. First of all we will have two different Darth Vader covers in honor with our cover feature/interview with David Prowse about living in the dark side of Darth Vader for the past 30 years. They are slick, they are wicked, and they simply win.
Since becoming editor of Insider I've wanted to start covering vintage collectibles a bit more, and finally got the opportunity to do so this issue with "Guilty by Association" by Pete Vilmur. Writing about the earliest bootlegged and unlicensed Star Wars merchandise Pete's crafted an informative, intriguing, and very entertaining piece chock full of images of some wild stuff most of you probably have never seen before or were too young to remember too well. I love the way the article turned out, and it's just the beginning as we've got more vintage-themed articles in the works.
Jedi Library scribe Jason Fry's "Comic Marvels" offers everything you ever wanted to know and more in a riotous overview of the best, worst, and weirdest from the Marvel Comics Star Wars series. It's a fun as Hell read and it made me want to pick up all of the Dark Horse reprints. I'd be remiss not to mention that it's also one of the more brilliantly laid-out stories since I've been with the mag, and huge props go out to Designer George Hu for knocking the ball out of the park on this one.
While working on his upcoming "The Making of Star Wars" book, the esteemed Jonathan Rinzler uncovered hundreds of never-seen-before storyboards from the original Star Wars. He has been gracious enough to allow us to publish a bunch for the first time ever in the first of a six-part series of exclusive artwork and script excerpts from an early draft of Star Wars. In this first installment we present Han Solo's journey to the gaseous planet of Alderaan for a daring rescue mission. It's a thrill to be able to share these rare pieces of art with you guys, and big thanks go out to JW Rinzler for his help and enthusiasm.
Finally, yours truly interviewed Brian Gernand, who was head of ILM's model shop during the making of Episodes II and III about how he and his team created the miniatures for Mustafar. Please allow me to just say that the way they created the volcano world, especially the lava effects, is pretty mind-boggling and Brian is not only a talented guy, and was a blast to speak to, also.
Over in departments, our Letter From the Editor was guest-written by Dustin Roberts, the President of the Star Wars Fan Club. Dustin is a super-cool bloke and we're honored to have him kick off our 30th Anniversary series of issues. Jason Fry spoke to Timothy Zahn about his upcoming classic trilogy era novel, Allegiance. Daniel Wallace chatted with writer John Jackson Miller about the fate of Zayne Carrick in the upcoming Knights of the Old Republic story-arc, Days/Knights, and Chris Trevas goes behind-the-scenes to take a look at the X-wing starfighter. Gus Lopez looks at quirky Japanese Star Wars collectibles in Star Wars International, In Padawan Corner Bonnie Burton shows the kids how to build an R2-D2 pinhole camera, and Bantha Tracks presents the Best of Star Wars for 2006.
As always, we welcome feedback, suggestions, so please send them to Also, don't forget we're still looking for stories and artwork commemorating the 30th Anniversary of Star Wars and Star Wars fans.
Thanks for reading, you guys rock!"
Rebelscum Breast Cancer Awareness Charity Patch Posted By Philip on November 25, 2014: Thanks to everybody that ordered patches. I sent a check for $1,600.00 to the National Breast Cancer Foundation on Monday. While it's not as much as I hoped for, it's still very much appreciated. They will remain for sale in the store for anybody that still wishes to purchase them. Details after the jump.