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Star Wars Galaxies Presents

Posted By Dustin on February 25, 2007

This just in from LucasArts:

"The Latest Addition to the Ongoing Star Wars Galaxies Saga Brings New Features, Content and Enhancements to the Popular Online Game

LucasArts and Sony Online Entertainment today announced that Chapter 5: An Entertaining Enterprise is now available to Star Wars Galaxies subscribers. Chapter 5 is the latest in a series of scheduled updates that Star Wars Galaxies players will automatically receive throughout 2007, at no additional cost as part of their regular subscription to the game.

Two iconic Star Wars professions, traders and entertainers, are the beneficiaries of all new skills and abilities in Chapter 5: An Entertaining Enterprise, allowing players to fully customize their characters and carve out their own place in the galaxy. Players will be able to earn up to 45 expertise points as their characters progress to level 90, which they can spend as they please on new abilities, and modifications to existing abilities for their professions.

Chapter 5: An Entertaining Enterprise introduces the following features:

Profession Expertise System for Traders: New skills are now available to traders through two expertise trees. The Production Tree allows players to choose skills such as ?Advanced Production Technology? and ?Deconstruction Techniques? that will allow them to not only increase their storage capacities, but also decrease the cost and the amount of resources needed to produce items. The Specialization Tree offers abilities like ?Artisan?s Dexterity? and ?Advanced Resource Refinement? that will give players specific bonuses to their chosen profession.

New Reverse Engineering System for Traders: This new system provides traders with a greater level of involvement in the Star Wars Galaxies economy, along with making them a more valuable member of any party or player association. Through this system, traders will now be able to reverse engineer items in-game to create new item upgrades for use by themselves or other players.

Through the new reverse engineering tool, traders will be able to deconstruct items, weaponry, armor and clothing in-game, and extract ?Power Bits? and ?Modifier Bits? that can be combined to create item upgrades for existing weapons, clothing or armor. Traders will be able to craft both permanent and temporary item upgrades to expand their business and make them even more sought-after in the galaxy.

More information on the Reverse Engineering System, including detailed information on constructing item upgrades, can be found at http://starwarsgalaxies.station.sony.com/players/content.vm?id=66925&resource=features.

Time to Go Camping: The galaxy is a big place, and players often find themselves undertaking days-long expeditions. Fortunately, traders receive another new skill in Chapter 5 that will allow them to assist with players? adventures far from home.

Traders will now be able to craft and sell customizable campsites. By loading the campsites with different components during the crafting process, traders can tailor the functionality of the camp to the order of the customer. Modules such as a Shuttle Beacon, Cloning Center, Junk Dealer and Entertainment Area can be built into the campsite, truly making it a player?s home away from home.

More information on the new player campsites can be found at http://starwarsgalaxies.station.sony.com/players/content.vm?id=66926&resource=features.

Profession Expertise System for Entertainers: Entertainers can now assign expertise points within two trees to acquire new skills and enhance existing abilities. The Artiste Tree includes skills such as ?Holographic Mastery? and ?Lasting Impression,? which increase the stats and duration of specific bonuses and buffs that entertainers can place on other players. The Drama Tree offers abilities such as ?Rising Spirit,? ?Controlled Spin? and ?Allure,? which increases the entertainer?s effectiveness in group combat.

Build-a-Buff: Entertainers also receive an exciting new system in Chapter 5. They can now craft custom bonuses to bestow on other players. These ?Build-a-Buff? performance packages will include a series of trade-offs (positive buffs that can be strengthened by choosing additional de-buffs), to offer players a nearly exhaustive group of new buffs.

More information on how to build a buff package, including screenshots of the system?s user interface, can be found at http://starwarsgalaxies.station.sony.com/players/content.vm?id=66927&resource=features.

In-Game Rewards: Players who log in after Chapter 5 goes live, and before Chapter 6 is released, are eligible to automatically receive a custom one-use campsite that they can take on their galactic adventures. In addition, they will receive a limited-edition collectable painting entitled ?Camp Life? that they can place in their home or other player structure.*"

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