Many of you want to know what Josh and Scott thought of 'Revenge of the Sith', but don't want to read any spoiler filled reviews. Here are some questions we put to them about the film:
Q) Is it better than Episodes I & II?
Josh: WAY
Scott: Yes. It retains all the high points of the previous films and tones down the weak points.
Q) Is it better than 'The Empire Strikes Back'?
Josh: NO, but maybe better than 'Return of the Jedi'.
Scott: No, it's not better. 'Revenge of the Sith' isn't bad, but 'The Empire Strikes Back' had a better story, better acting, and a cool revelation.
Q) Is it as dark as they say it is?
Josh: YES, but it could have been taken further.
Scott: It's very dark, but I was expecting it to be gorier and more shocking than it was. But it's still dark.
Q) Is it suitable for children.
Josh: NO, it is PG-13. See if first than decide about your situation.
Scott: It depends entirely on the kid. See my Parent's Guide article for more details. If in doubt, go see it without them first.
Q) Does the length of the movie work.
Josh: YES, but there is alot to do in 2 hours (20 minutes).
Scott: Yes, the 2+ hours fly by.
Q) How does the movie flow?
Josh: 1st quarter is AWESOME, 2nd quarter is cheesy and drags a bit, 3rd and 4th rock super hard.
Scott: The first quarter is very lighthearted and fun. The second quarter is very slow because characters are being repositioned for the final half of the film. The second quarter also has some more weak romantic stuff. The last half of the film is almost non-stop action.
Q) Does the chemistry between Anakin & Padme get any better :)
Josh: Better ... still not perfect, but better.
Scott: It is better, but mainly when they are crying and fighting with each other. Portman and Christensen brood and cry well. The romance is still pur cheese.
Q) What grade would you give it?
Josh: B+ ... if I see it again I'd LOVE to make it an A-
Scott: After a first viewing I'll say a B to a B+. Ask me again after my second viewing.
Q) Do you need to see the movie twice to digest what's going on?
Josh: YES, absolutely!
Scott: Multiple viewings will be good for catcing everything. I tried to point out Easter Eggs to the guy next to me during the screening and even he missed them. Some of the plot may be confusing if you're spoiler free. I definitely recommend reading the novelization for more of the story that isn't explained in the film.
Q) How does the soundtrack work in the movie?
Josh: Pretty good ... a couple of eeire spots it is GREAT. The main theme is weaker than 'Across the Stars' and 'Duel of the Fates'.
Scott: I wasn't blown away by it, but there were a few scenes where it worked well. The battle scenes have great music and there's eerie stuff as the Sith are revealed.
Q) Did you leave the screening feeling satisfied?
Josh: Yes, pretty satisfied I think. If anything I wish it was a bit more over the top in parts ... but still ultimately satisfied that this is by far the best of the prequels.
Scott: Yes. It wasn't a train wreck, but it wasn't the best Star Wars film either. That being said, it was pretty satisfying to see the classic trilogy and prequel trilogy connected together.
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