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Spilling the Beans About Episode II

Posted By Joshua on January 14, 2001

Jabba had a friend that knew he was SW-crazy that clued him into a radio interview on a New York/New Jersey-based station that apparently took place a few weeks ago. It was a chat was with an anonymous person who allegedly worked on TPM and Episode 2 and was unceremoniously let go 3/4 of the way through the latter movie. He then supposedly got a chance to hit the radio waves and vent a bit, dishing out a few tidbits.

We were alerted to the program before and were hesitant to draw attention to what might possibly be a false informant. The information given leaves us questioning a few things for sure, but I guess you'll have to listen to it yourself to make sure. The guest swears that he knows the source and he is legit.

So as far as I'm concerned this is a total hoax. But still an interesting listen if you want to check it out. There's just too many red flags to jump on board with it all being true (I'll list some at the end of this post). And of course, a good internet knowledge of the film and it's rumors could yield many of the answers the 'source' gave.

Needless to say, he spilled the beans on quite a few plot details! I'm hesitant to reveal what they are right here because I'm not completely familiar with everything. But things like the title of the film and some character points are discussed. I think its worth checking out. Here's a link to it on the WFMU.org website. Just so you don't have to listen to the music that the host played, fast-forward to about the half-hour mark in program to hear the chat.

So again, when you hear the information on the supposed title and the DVD versions, take it with an entire shaker of salt, I think we're dealing with someone who isn't being completely honest. The other staff may chime in as well and maybe their opinions will differ, and we're definitely interested in hearing what you have to say as well.

Personal list of red flags:
Doesn't reveal any new character names?
Relies heavily on Internet rumors and info?
Toshiro Toshiro Mifune lives?
Odd description of a known character?
Scrapping three entire weeks of shooting?
Christopher Walken IS in it?
Major sex scene?
Talks of a trilogy DVD release?
Rough cut would be rated 'R'?
FF Coppola gives a cameo?
The Hutts play a major role in the film?

You can add your red flags to the list as well I'm sure, and maybe you'll want to pass along your thoughts or you can post in this Jedicouncil thread. BTW, the ending of the show is quite convincing, as the informant argues about having an archive of the program on the Internet. Wild.

BTW, if you know more about this situation or any others related to Episode II, we're all ears.

Update!A note on the radio's site states: "Archive removed due to overwhelming traffic."
I guess this means if you haven't listened to it yet, you've missed it now.

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