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SW: The Old Republic NOT Headed To CVI Posted By Mike on August 9, 2012
You may have noticed that Star Wars: The Old Republic is not listed as having a panel in the event schedule for Star Wars Celebration VI. I personally noticed and thought, "OK, well maybe we'll hear some last minute news about something fun TOR-related for BioWare and LucasArts to display on the show floor itself." Nope! According to a forum post by Online Community Manager Joveth Gonzalez, the struggling MMO will not be making the trip to Orlando.
"Folks, I wanted to follow up a bit regarding Celebrations. We do apologize for any inconvenience but our dev team is hard at work on the game, and we just couldn?t spare the staff. We just completed Comic-Con and are preparing to attend Gamescom in Germany next week. Stay tuned for updates about future events."
This is going to come as bad news to those who have continued to partake in the GFFA MMO and were looking forward to some sort of TOR-related CVI programming. What will most likely annoy those fans further is that Star Wars: The Old Republicwill be making the trip to GamesCom in Cologne, Germany the week prior. Don't get me wrong, we're happy that European fans are going to get a presentation, demonstrations and so forth. It just seems odd that an MMO, which has suffered a lot of bad press and dwindling numbers, wouldn't also make an appearance where they would be most welcome. It would reward the dedicated fans that have stuck with the game while hopefully turning on other Star Wars fans to the new free-to-play option. Instead, in a move that always tends to frustrate the fan base, marketing to mainstream video gamers is taking precedence over rewarding the core fan base. I'm sure there's some viability to that line of thinking. Let's be perfectly honest here. GamesCom will attract 4 times as many visitors as will CVI. But that's still not going to make the TOR subscribers who are headed to CVI any less frustrated, especially considering we're getting this news with only two weeks until Celebration.
As always we'll continue our weekly Star Wars: The Old Republic round-up posts and will keep you posted when big TOR news items are revealed. While we may be disappointed by this particular move, we're still 100% behind the game and wish only for it, and the people behind the game, to succeed in the long term. We still love ya TOR! We're just sad you won't be there to party with us in Orlando.
Thanks to our friend William M. for the heads up as to the forum post.
Rebelscum Breast Cancer Awareness Charity Patch Posted By Philip on November 25, 2014: Thanks to everybody that ordered patches. I sent a check for $1,600.00 to the National Breast Cancer Foundation on Monday. While it's not as much as I hoped for, it's still very much appreciated. They will remain for sale in the store for anybody that still wishes to purchase them. Details after the jump.