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SW On Blu-Ray At UK Big Screen Event

Posted By Mike on August 5, 2011

London's O2 Arena will play host to an Empire Presents Big Screen event from August 12 to 14, 2011. Here is a description of the event from the O2 arena website:

"BIG SCREEN brings Hollywood to London at The O2 from 12-14 August 2011.

A must-see for all film fans, this new film event will allow visitors to get up close and personal with the hugely exciting movie world, giving behind-the-scenes access to a diverse range of movies, directors and A-list stars.

On offer will be:
- exclusive early footage of forthcoming blockbusters
- full-length movie previews
- film premieres
- exciting live entertainment in the Live Special FX Arena
- movie master classes with industry legends
- a showcase of the latest technology and home entertainment systems, autographs and original props, costumes and memorabilia.

The extravaganza is being backed by all the major studios including The Walt Disney Company and Disney Pixar, Twentieth Century Fox, Sony Pictures, Marvel Studios, Paramount Pictures, Universal Pictures, Warner Bros. plus the independent distributors. It promises global firsts and never-before-seen access to front-of-camera stars and behind-the-scenes talent who produce the magical movies we all love.

There is a wide range of packages for this event, depending on how much you want to see."

So how does this tie in to Star Wars on Blu-Ray? Industrial Light & Magic is scheduled to host a presentation on Friday, August 12 that will feature Anthony Daniels, ILM digital artist John Goodson, and ILM visual effects supervisor Bill George. Besides behind-the-scenes anecdotes, fans can anticipate there to be some newly released footage from the Star Wars saga on Blu-Ray. We'll be sure to keep you posted as details emerge from the event.

In the meantime, you can get more Big Screen info via the following links:

Wharf.co.uk (source article)

In additional SW on BD news, our friend Kenny K. got the following information from a Lucasfilm e-mail:

"Industrial Light and Magic did go in and make many technicalimprovements, most notably color matching on select lightsabers shots."

I don't necessarily think this is shocking news, but it comes as a bit of a confirmation as to what a lot of fans were expecting. Star Wars is forever being tinkered with...or shall we say perfected. I'm sure it will all look and sound fantastic!

Thanks Kenny!

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