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Rumor Alert: New KOTOR MMO In The Works?

Posted By Mike on February 11, 2008

According to www.mcvuk.com:

"Reports suggest BioWare is working on Knights of the Old Republic multiplayer online title.
Widely celebrated as the best Star Wars game of recent years, rumours have emerged that RPG specialist BioWare is hard at work on an MMO version of its hugely popular Knights of the Old Republic franchise.

CVG reports that the latest edition of US games print mag EGM includes the snippet in its Rumour section. No confirmation has been forthcoming from the developer as of yet, but were the game to emerge it would almost certainly be a sure-fire contender to better LucasArts? previous MMO outing, the troubled Star Wars Galaxies."

Again, let us not forget that this is simply a rumor at this time. We will keep you posted as soon as we hear anything official.

Click here for the full story.

UPDATE: You might remember the above post from way back in April...well we have some new info for you which follows up on the discussion heard on last week's episode of the Force-Cast.

PrimoTechnology.com is reporting the following:

"A source close to BioWare confirmed to us today that the studio?s upcoming untitled massively-multiplayer online RPG will be centered around the Star Wars universe, specifically that of Knights of the Old Republic, which the developer released in 2003. The game garnered critical acclaim and spawned a less-popular sequel, released by Obsidian two years later.

The game is being developed by the company?s Austin studio, formed in 2006 and headed by BioWare Creative Director James Ohlen, whose past credits include the first KOTOR, Neverwinter Nights, and Baldur Gate?s I and II."

Click here for the full story and keep those fingers crossed.

UPDATE #2: The worst thing about rumors is that they generally just leave you more confused. That being said, lets dive into the latest rumors surrounding the future Star Wars MMO supposedly in the works. Everything we had been hearing up until now had been that BioWare's link up with LucasArts was hopefully going to give us the much anticipated and wished for KOTOR MMO.

The latest rumors circulating the good old interweb say 'not so fast' and were sparked by a post from Surfer Girl here. Surfer Girl states the following:

"Next year's Star Wars MMO, not being developed by BioWare or Sony Online Entertainment, will launch simultaneously for PC and consoles alongside the debut of the first Star Wars TV series in fall 2009, of which the storylines of the game will tie into. Those Artistic Lucases already have a second online title planned that I've heard has nothing to do with Star Wars."

Now I am honestly not familiar with Surfer Girl so I personally have no idea about the credibility of the source. That being said, lets take a step back and think about it for a second. Wouldn't it be interesting for Lucas to roll out the live action series with an MMO tie in, especially one that spans PCs and consoles? Quite revolutionary and a heck of a way to create buzz and interest in both projects. The other non Star Wars project mentioned could be the project with BioWare. We really have no idea at this point and my writing is doing nothing but adding speculation to speculation and thus doing nothing to help us. So in other words, time for me to stop typing and wait for more info. Hope I confused everyone as much as I confused myself. Misery loves company!

Bottom line: We still have no idea what's going on.

Thanks to our friend Guillaume for the heads up!

UPDATE #3: Again, I have no idea as to the credibility of the source but Surfer Girl is at it again. See below:

"Star Wars Galaxies will shut down within a year after the release of the new MMO. The Artistic Lucases think that they have the only IP that can pose a serious challenge World of Warcraft and find that the setting of KOTOR is too niche to be a threat. They apparently expect the new Star War MMO to have at least three million subscribers by the end of the first year. As previously mentioned, some Edmonton studio is doing some Star Wars RPG about some knights in some old republic."

Remember, all rumors at this point especially since we're just getting familiar with the source. Our friend Guillaume who sent over the links stated that Surfer Girl has had some good credible info in the past, but it's too early to tell with these new tidbits. If nothing else, it's fun fodder for speculation.

Click here for the full Surfer Girl post.

Thanks again to Guillaume.

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