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Official Pix Gold Pins for Auction!

Posted By Dajuan on October 12, 2010

The planners of TFN?s CV party were given a set of Official Pix?s special gold pins to auction off after Celebration V. At the party we had announced that profits of our raffle were going to charity. Unfortunately after all the bills were paid there were no profits (in fact we were about $50 in the hole). So since we were unable to donate any party money to our charities, we have decided that all of the proceeds from our Pin auction will go to our charities.

Description of Pins
The Pins up for auction is the complete set of special gold toned, green ringed pins that Official Pix gave out to people who bought a $1500 autograph set at Celebration V. The Pin set includes 41 pins in all. Included are: all of the celebrities who were signing at CV, the special George Lucas pin, and the Rebel and Empire pins that were only available at TFN?s party.

These pins are different than the yellow ringed pins that were handed out with Metallix purchases and at TFN?s party. Only the green pins are up for auction, the yellow ones are only shown for comparison.

Official Pix Gold Pins

For photos of the complete set of pins head here. Also for more description of the yellow pins go here.

Charity Info
Since the Jedi Council Forums and FanForce (the message boards and fan group of TFN respectively) represent people from all over the world, we have decided to donate money to several charities around the world. We also looked for charities which help combat issues and diseases which we have lost members to over the years. Note that funds will be split among the three charities equally.

Beyond Blue
Beyond Blue is an Australian organization whose mission is to provide a national focus and community leadership to increase the capacity of the broader Australian community to prevent depression and respond effectively. Its aim to build a society that understands and responds to the personal and social impact of depression, works actively to prevent it, and improves the quality of life for everyone affected.

Make a Wish Foundation
"Since 1980, the Make-A-Wish Foundation has enriched the lives of children with life-threatening medical conditions through its wish-granting work. The Foundation's mission reflects the life-changing impact that a Make-A-Wish experience has on children, families, referral sources, donors, sponsors and entire communities. A network of nearly 25,000 volunteers enable the Make-A-Wish Foundation to serve children with life-threatening medical conditions. Volunteers serve as wish granters, fundraisers, special events assistants and in numerous other capacities." (From: http://www.wish.org/about/our_mission).

World Childhood Foundation
World Childhood Foundation?s work is aimed at the most marginalized children, the ones most often ignored and forgotten. Childhood focuses especially on girls and the main target groups are street children, children living in institutions, young mothers and sexually abused children. Childhood is presently supporting around 100 projects located in Brazil, China, Estonia, Germany, Latvia, Lithuania, Moldova, Poland, Russia, Sweden, South Africa, Thailand, Ukraine and the United States.

How to bid
We have decided to auction off the Pins via silent auction. Send an email to tfnpartyprize@gmail with your bid by November 15th, 2010. After November 15th we will compare the bids and send the winner an email. The winner will have two weeks to arrange payment via PayPal or snail mail. If the winner does not arrange payment in that time-frame, the next highest bidder will get a second chance offer to purchase the pins. After payment has been received the Pins will be shipped to the winner and the winner?s name and the winning amount will be announced on TFN?s main page. If the winner wishes to remain anonymous, that will be respected.

Bidding Notes:
Our auction will have a minimum reserve price. If none of the bids meet or exceed that amount we will extend the auction by two weeks at a time until the reserve is met. The highest bid received to date will also be listed at that time.

Bidders must be at least 18 years of age.

People who have access to the silent auction bids and/or reserve price are ineligible to bid on the pins.

Please email any questions or concerns to Dajuan. The bidding email address will not be monitored daily so questions send there will likely not be answered quickly.

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