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Lucas Named Grand Marshall

Posted By JG on September 19, 2006

The official site of the Tournament of Roses parade updates with news that Lucas was selected and named the grand marshall of the upcoming Rose Parade and surrounding festivities. Here's the press release:

PASADENA, Calif. (September 19, 2006) ? The Tournament of Roses revealed the identity of the Grand Marshal for the 2007 Tournament of Roses in a ceremony held today at Tournament House. George Lucas will preside as Grand Marshal over the 2007 Tournament of Roses, themed Our Good Nature.

Tournament of Roses President Paul L. Holman was joined on stage by Chewbacca and Wicket to announce the extraordinary filmmaker as Grand Marshal who will lead the New Year?s Day celebration in Pasadena. As Grand Marshal, George Lucas will ride in the 118th Rose Parade in front of a worldwide television audience, and toss the coin before the 93rd Rose Bowl Game on January 1, 2007.

?George Lucas has brought excitement and entertainment to the world for 34 years. His creativity and talent has opened up new worlds for all of us to imagine, and has shown us how good nature can prevail. I cannot think of a better person to lead us down Colorado Boulevard on New Year?s Day,? said Holman. ?We are delighted to welcome George to our Tournament family and hope he enjoys the experience as much as we will.?

?It is a true honor to be named the Grand Marshal of the Rose Parade and I am eager to be in the midst of so many talented performers and magical floats,? said Grand Marshal George Lucas when accepting his role as the 2007 Tournament of Roses ambassador. ?While my mission has been to entertain others, the Rose Parade has entertained me all of my life. It is such a joy to be part of this historical parade, especially as it is the same year that marks the 30th anniversary of Star Wars.?

A Modesto, California native, George Lucas has kept audiences entertained around the world for more than 34 years as one of the world?s most popular filmmakers. George Lucas? devotion to timeless storytelling and cutting-edge innovation has resulted in some of the most successful and beloved films of all time. Among the many films he has produced is the Star Wars series. Star Wars became an international phenomenon breaking all box-office records and setting new standards for sophistication in film visuals and sound. Not only did it garner eight Academy Awards, but inspired a generation of young people to follow their imagination and dreams.

George Lucas created the classic adventurer Indiana Jones, and co-wrote and executive-produced the Indiana Jones trilogy. Not only has he created legendary films, George Lucas has also created a company with his name behind it; Lucasfilm Ltd., which has grown into one of the world?s leading entertainment companies. Lucasfilm Ltd. encompasses Industrial Light & Magic and Skywalker Sound. Together the three have been nominated for more than 100 Academy Awards and received 40 Oscars and special achievement awards. In addition to his many projects, George Lucas is also the chairman of the board of the George Lucas Educational Foundation, serves on the board of the Film Foundation and is a member of the USC School of Cinema-Television Advisory Board. Over the years, Lucas has received some of the entertainment industry?s highest honors and will now add his reign as the 2007 Tournament of Roses Grand Marshal to the list.

The 118th Rose Parade themed Our Good Nature will take place Monday, Jan. 1, 2007 at 8 a.m. (PST) featuring majestic floral floats, high-stepping equestrian units and spirited marching bands from throughout the nation. Following the Rose Parade, at 2 p.m. (PST), the 93rd Rose Bowl Game will feature an exciting match-up between two championship teams, once again showcasing the best of collegiate football. For additional information, please call (626) 449-ROSE, the 24-hour hotline, or visit www.tournamentofroses.com.

Thanks to Chris and Shaun for the link!

UPDATE: Read more on this subject, plus check out a few photos online at Starwars.com!

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