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Indy Meets Star Wars Posted By Mike on February 18, 2008
Our friend Mitchell of the Indy Marketing Group sent over the following:
"Tusken Raiders of the Lost Art?
Artist Matt Busch's Indy and Star Wars Mash-Up!
Artist Matt Busch, known for his fantastic art portraying everything from Jedis to Indiana Jones was recently selected as one of the artist who will be contributing to Topps' Indiana Jones trading cards with randomly inserted pieces of original artwork. While getting into the spirit of his new assignment, Matt decided to "mash up" his favorite subjects in a video for his upcoming "You Can Draw" series by portraying everyone's favorite archeologist meeting Jawas, Tusken Raiders, Stormtroopers, Sith Lords and of course a giant, rolling boulder!
A huge fan Indy fan himself, Matt sent me a link to the new video along with information about his new season of his highly popular video tutorial series How to Draw Star Wars (based on the critically acclaimed book by the same name from Lucasfilm and DK Publishing) that will be debuting on his channel and Star
Currently, Busch is putting the finishing touches on the new episodes and has some exciting plans. While the first series clocked in at nearly nine minutes each, the new installments will be more streamlined- ranging closer to five minutes each, but boasting well over a dozen brand new episodes. As well, while the last series was monthly, Season 2 will be weekly.
Topics will cover more drawing and painting techniques, but certain episodes will also expand into areas such as comic books, storyboarding, and even beginning animation. Expect more comedic antics from Busch, including several episodes which will spoof Indiana Jones- another popular Lucasfilm property and often associated with Star Wars.
Like Indy, Matt also as a more scholarly side when not running through the jungle or drawing, as a professor in the Media + Communication Arts Department at Macomb College, and has also written and illustrated dozens of books and magazine articles on tutorial subjects. This March, Hermes Press will release a huge art book on the many aspects of Busch's career, THE WORLDS OF MATT BUSCH.
Rebelscum Breast Cancer Awareness Charity Patch Posted By Philip on November 25, 2014: Thanks to everybody that ordered patches. I sent a check for $1,600.00 to the National Breast Cancer Foundation on Monday. While it's not as much as I hoped for, it's still very much appreciated. They will remain for sale in the store for anybody that still wishes to purchase them. Details after the jump.