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How To Speak Wookiee Posted By Eddie on April 25, 2011
This August sees the release of How To Speak Wookiee: A Manual for Inter-Galactic Communication from Chronicle Books. It will be written by none other than "Wu Kee Smith", who according to Chronicle is "an expert on the Wookiee language and culture. He is the author of the Galactic News best-selling books The Wookiee in the Tree. He splits his time between San Francisco, California and Kashyyyk."
In the style of our top selling "How to Speak Zombie", this sound book teaches intergalactic travelers in need how to understand and communicate with notoriously short-tempered Wookiees. This book supposes that you have been partnered with a Wookiee, or frequently find yourself in situations where you must deal with Wookiees, and offers phrases to use in communicating with them as well as crucial phrases that your Wookiee acquaintance may be trying to communicate to you. (As a bit of background, Wookiees are very good at learning and understanding other languages, but cannot speak anything but their own language.) This book is set in the "Star Wars" universe, but we have included mostly everyday situations that push the SW world a bit. About the author: This is a home-grown, in-house project! We are crafting in house, hiring a stellar illustrator, and working directly with Lucas to ensure accuracy on the text. But it's made with love primarily by the Star Wars experts at Chronicle.
Everyone?s been there?you?re playing holo chess with a Wookiee, and things get out of hand. You?ve done something to offend him, but you don?t know what. How can you defuse the situation? Better yet, how can you make sure you never end up there again?
With intergalactic travel easier than ever, Wookiees can now be found on nearly every planet in the galaxy and on starships everywhere in between. This helpful guide teaches citizens of the galaxy key phrases in the Wookiee language, eliminating near-fatal encounters with notoriously short-tempered Wookiees while smoothing the way to lasting partnerships and friendships. The handy sound module?recorded by Chewbacca himself!?demonstrates proper pronunciation of ten key phrases.
Wu Kee Smith is an expert on the Wookiee language and culture. He is the author of the Galactic News best-selling books The Wookiee in the Tree. He splits his time between San Francisco, California and Kashyyyk.
Jake was born in Hull, England, but was raised by Wookiees from a young age. He speaks the Wookiee language fluently, but with a strong northern accent. He now lives and works in London, and would never use a cheap Jedi mind-trick to make you visit
Rebelscum Breast Cancer Awareness Charity Patch Posted By Philip on November 25, 2014: Thanks to everybody that ordered patches. I sent a check for $1,600.00 to the National Breast Cancer Foundation on Monday. While it's not as much as I hoped for, it's still very much appreciated. They will remain for sale in the store for anybody that still wishes to purchase them. Details after the jump.