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Help Locate All The R2-D2 Mailboxes Posted By Dustin on April 12, 2007
Fan of "Sith-Kazar" writes in: "I thought it would be neat if we could locate all 400 mailboxes, so I created a map. Everyone who has found a R2-D2 box can put the address in and a marker shows up, they can also add pictures. I just thought this would be fun... I already added the one I found here in St. Louis!"
*UPDATE: The R2 map is now up to 123 pegs with 76 pictures! Add yours today!
*UPDATE 2: Sith-Kazar sends us in an update on the effort to track all the R2-D2 mailboxes.
"It has been awhile so I thought I'd tell you how we are doing at finding all of the mailboxes. First off I had a little unforseen problem with frappr... it seems the map will only show the last 100 pins with pictures, no more. After a few moments of panic I decided to add a list at the bottom of the page with all of the locations. I also put together a page of all of the pictures submitted organized by location (that was a LOT of work!) To get to this page just click on the image of R2-D2 on the page.
As of now we have 307 locations (most of them with pictures). That is 77% of all of the R2-D2 mailboxes, assuming a 400 box total. I also added verified boxes which are those which have been confirmed by multiple submitions. Of the locations 96 of them are verified, which is about 24% of the total."
Thanks to everyone who has helped track down these pesky droids!
Rebelscum Breast Cancer Awareness Charity Patch Posted By Philip on November 25, 2014: Thanks to everybody that ordered patches. I sent a check for $1,600.00 to the National Breast Cancer Foundation on Monday. While it's not as much as I hoped for, it's still very much appreciated. They will remain for sale in the store for anybody that still wishes to purchase them. Details after the jump.