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Greatest Hits 2007: Fan Favorites Poll - EU

Posted By Curto on October 13, 2006

First, an announcement
Because of the continued demand for the basic figures from both consumers and retailers, Hasbro will make another line of "Greatest Hits" figures in 2007 to run alongside The 30th Anniversary Collection. This will be a series of straight repacks, similar to what we've seen this year with "Heroes & Villains" and "Greatest Battles," although this line will not be solely focused on Revenge of the Sith, but from across the entire modern Star Wars collection.

This line is expected to come out in mid-to-late spring 2007, and be packaged similar to The 30th Anniversary Collection. Look for 20-24 figures, complete with collector coins. These coins, however, will be somewhat different. They will not be numbered, but will be a series of six different "movie logo" coins, one for each movie. The coins will not be dedicated to a particular figure and will not have a character likeness on them. Therefore, multiple characters will share the same movie-logo coin.

Fans get to choose
Hasbro and Rebelscum have joined forces to find out which figures collectors want brought back to make up this line. Celebrating the 30th anniversary of Star Wars, ANY 3¾" figure in the modern line is eligible...from the very first POTF2 wave up to the last TSC wave. That's over 1000 figures to choose from! (Note: I think everyone agrees that the Vintage line should be left as is.)

So which figures would you like to see brought back in this line: Pilot Obi-Wan? Episode II SA Clone Trooper? 500th Vader? 501st Legion Clone Trooper? Sio Bibble? TC-14? Ugnaughts? Shock Troopers? Dexter Jettster? Lobot? "Monkey-faced" Princess Leia? You can vote for your favorites!

The voting process
So how can you voice your opinion? Here's how this will work. Rebelscum will run a series of week-long polls in our forums listing ALL the action figures in the modern line. In today's poll, you can choose from nearly 90 Expanded Universe figures to determine your favorite figures you'd like to see brought back in 2007. At the end of the polling period, the top 8 figures will move on to the second round and face off against the top 8 from other figure lines in a head-to-head tournament! So be sure to vote, because the higher the votes, the higher the ranking in the bracket.

The overall winners will be incorporated into Hasbro’s "Greatest Hits 2007" assortment.* But just for fun, we're going to find out which figure is your #1 favorite figure in the modern line that you want brought back. Head on into our forums and place your votes now!

*Inclusion of actual figures in Hasbro's Greatest Hits 2007 assortment shall be subject to determination by Hasbro.

Note on Kyle Katarn - Kyle Katarn was incorrectly added to the POTF2 poll. The votes from that poll will be averaged with the results from this poll, and the results will be counted in the EU results.

Note on Clone Trooper (Clone Wars) - The SA Clone Trooper is not listed here. That particular figure is listed on the OTC poll as part of the Troop Builder sets.

Shadows of the Empire figures
Can't remember all those action figures from 2006? Fear not, we've got you covered. Just check out the all-new group shots in our Shadows of the Empire Photo Archive.

Shadows of the Empire figures

Action Figures - Released alongside 1996's POTF2 line, these Shadows of the Empire figures were part of the multimedia crossover event for the adventure taking place in between Episodes V and VI. While some characters have been updated since their initial debut, others have not.

Expanded Universe figures
Can't remember all those action figures from 2006? Fear not, we've got you covered. Just check out the all-new group shots in our Expanded Universe Photo Archive.

Expanded Universe figures

Action Figures - Starting off a a series of small vehicles (with pilots), this line debuted in 1998 and featured figure incarnations of characters that appeared in the Dark Forces video game, Dark Empire comic book series, and the Heir to the Empire novel.

Star Tours figures
Can't remember all those action figures from 2006? Fear not, we've got you covered. Just check out the all-new group shots in our Star Tours Photo Archive.

Star Tours figures

Basic Figures - Spotted while standing in line for the Star Tours ride, these droids were released at Disney theme parks and featured mostly unique sculpts and appeared in packaging similar to no less than three different series.

Clone Wars figures
Can't remember all those action figures from 2006? Fear not, we've got you covered. Just check out the all-new group shots in our Clone Wars Photo Archive.

Clone Wars figures

Basic Figures - 2003's multimedia crossover event took place in between Epsiodes II and III, the Clone Wars figures featured the main characters from the films in new outfits, and also introduced a few all-new characters whose story would be developed over the years.

Clone Wars figures

Deluxe Figures - These figures once again gave a little extra play value to the line with added accessories,

Clone Wars figures

Multipacks - An army builders dream. Build up the Separatist Droid Army, add members to the Jedi Knight Army, but more importantly, the Grand Army of the Republic now boasted more members than ever before.

Clone Wars figures

Animated Figures - Based on their appearance in the Clone Wars animated micro-series, these figures offered up limited articulation, but unique sculpt that looked like they jumped off the screen.

So what are you waiting for? Head on into our forums and place your votes now!

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October 10, 2006   Greatest Hits 2007: Fan Favorites Poll - OTC
October 9, 2006   Greatest Hits 2007: Fan Favorites Poll - SAGA
October 8, 2006   Greatest Hits 2007: Fan Favorites Poll - POTJ
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October 6, 2006   Greatest Hits 2007: Fan Favorites Poll - POTF2

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