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Fanboys To Be Re-Edited?

Posted By Mike on February 20, 2008

Ok, where to begin...You may have noticed that there have been no TV spots for Fanboys which had been slated to come out on January 18th. Well, that's because the film has again been pushed back. Rumors are circulating all around the good old interweb as to why this might be. Most of the latest batch of rumors stemmed from a blog post over at The CineManiac.

Apparently Judd Apatow's producer Shauna Robertson is working on a re-edit of the film that could possibly take the cancer plot out of the film. Some re-shoots were done as well. For those who don't know, the plot was to center on a group of friends making their way to Skywalker Ranch to steal a copy of The Phantom Menace for their friend who will die of cancer before the film is released. Like the blog points out, if the cancer plot is eliminated, doesn't that leave a bunch of kids who just want to steal a film. Might be a lot harder to root for them even if they are a bunch of Star Wars fanatics like ourselves. Doesn't that take a lot of the heart out the film? Does Hollywood think we as an audience can't handle heavy subject matter and comedy at the same time?

Aintitcool.com is reporting that that both the original version and the re-edited version are to be screened in Burbank, CA this week. They also mention that no new writing had been done for the re-shoots. Everything was either improv or from older drafts. We'll keep you posted as we hear more.

Also, how about the fans that got to check out rough cuts of Fanboys at CIV, CE and so forth? What do you think about the possible changes? Obviously from my comments above, I'm personally a bit skeptical about the changes. Everyone who had seen the film seemed to love it....especially the heart that went along with the comedy.

Thanks to "osprey1025" for the heads up.

The CineManiac

UPDATE: See below for the message sent out from the Fanboys MySpace page:

"We originally hoped to release Fanboys in early 2007. Then late 2007. Then the release date was bumped once again, to this Friday, January 18th, 2008. I'm sad to report that it won't be coming out this Friday, either. Now we're hearing that the current plan is to release Fanboys this coming March or April. But that could change again. To quote Master Yoda, "Always in motion is the future." We promise to keep you posted...."

Nothing really new compared to what we already know, but any news is good news right?

Thanks to Shane for the heads up.

UPDATE #2: AICN has a few reports up in regards to what folks thought after screenings of the newly edited FANBOYS.

UPDATE #3: Click here and visit Sci Fi Wire for co-writer of Fanboys, Ernest Cline's response to the recent rumors and news surrounding the latest delay.

UPDATE #4: AICN just posted a review of the re-edited, sans cancer plot version of Fanboys. The reviewer enjoyed the film and gave it a high rating dispite a disjointed middle of the film. Even though he enjoyed it, he does mention that the cancer plot would have tied the story together better. Click here. Parents and children alike, beware of adult language in the review. Also, those wishing to avoid spoilers might not want to click on the link.

UPDATE #5: The Fanboys saga continues...See below for a letter that was sent over to AICN, from Jek Porkins of the 501st in regards to their frustration with the new edit of Fanboys:

"Dear Harry,

We're a group of Star Wars fans and 501st Legion members who donated our time, costumes, props, and support to help make the movie FANBOYS, a movie about some Star Wars fans who decide to break in to Skywalker Ranch and steal a print of Episode I so that their friend can see it before he dies of cancer. We agreed to be involved because it has heart, and is a movie about friendship and what it means to be a fan.

Now, after delaying the release of the movie for over a year, the Weinstein Company (the studio who owns it) has decided to recut the entire movie so that it mocks Star Wars fans. They're planning to remove the cancer plotline and have the fans break into Skywalker Ranch for no reason at all - just because they're "Death Star Dorks" (from the Weinstein Co. website). They plan to rip the heart out of the movie and turn it into a mindless comedy that ridicules Star Wars fans, instead of celebrating them.

We (a group of fans and 501st Legion members) have decided to organize an international boycott by Star Wars fans of all Weinstein Company films, unless they release the original version of FANBOYS.

This past weekend, we launched these three websites to announce our intended boycott:


We're going to attack the Weinstein Company death star, even if it is a suicide mission.

A link bump from AICN would really help spread the word of our cause, and maybe draw the attention of the national media. Help us, Harry. You're our only hope!

Thanks for your time.
And May the Force Be With You!

Jek Porkins
and the Stop Darth Weinstein Squadron"

Click on the links in the letter above to show your support.

Source: AICN

Thanks to our friend Ryan P. for the heads up.

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