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Fanboys : Columbus Premiere

Posted By Dustin on February 21, 2009

I was able to attend the Fanboys movie premiere in Columbus, Ohio, and it was a huge success! Fans eagerly packed the lobby to mingle with costumed characters from that Galaxy far away prior to the film. Director Kyle Newman, and writer Ernie Cline were also there doing interviews with media, signing autographs and taking photos with fans.

If you are wondering why we're calling this a premiere it's because Fanboys started in Ohio. You see Ernie is from Ohio, and in the movie our band of loyal Star Wars fans drive from Ohio to Skywalker Ranch. So what better place to open (expand) the film then right in the heart of Ohio where it all started!

We here at TheForce.net & Rebelscum.com have been following the development of this film for several years. To finally see it on the big screen, in a theater full of Star Wars fans was an awesome experience! As a fellow fanboy I give it two big thumbs up! Clocking in at exactly 90 minutes, time seemed to fly by as we followed 5 fans across country in their quest for a rough cut of Episode I The Phantom Menace. I thought the actors fit their characters, and helped fans closer identify their own fandom though them on the big screen. There are plenty of Star Wars references and quotes from the original trilogy, along with a slew of guest appearances. My favorite had to be Seth Rogen (Superbad, Knocked Up, Pineapple Express) dressed as a Trekkie defending Captain Picard, and disrespecting Han Solo. Why on earth the Weinstein Company did not release this as is and on schedule back in 2007 (30th anniversary of Star Wars duh) is beyond me. We could have moved onto the sequel by now where they travel to Australia to be extras on the set of Episode II Attack of the Clones!

After the movie was over the credits rolled and I was surprised to see a special thank you to both TheForce.net & The Force-Cast! I thought that was pretty cool. When the lights came up Jason Swank & Jimmy Mac from the Force-Cast hosted a Q&A with the Kyle, Ernie, producers Kevin Mann, and Matthew Perniciaro. Here's a portion of that session in a brief video I took below.

If you live in or near any of the cities showing the film, please take time to see this movie, you will not be dissapointed. Also, tell your friends and co-workers about how much fun this movie is once you've seen it. Click here for an up to date list of theaters showing Fanboys, and future cities it will be expanding to next weekend.

UPDATE: Check out the Force-Cast show covering this event right here!

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