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Fan Trys to Steal EP3 Billboard Posted By Britany on May 12, 2005
mutley sends in this humorous story reported in the "The West Australian" Newspaper on Wednesday:
"On Monday night, one eager fan swapped his lightsaber for light fingers when he tried to steal a giant Darth Vader billboard on the corner of Wellington and Barrack streets. The offender was caught but not before $6000 damage."
Here's the full article courtesy of Garth Maker:
The forces that be catch up with Star Wars poster thief.
A 22-year-old man will appear in Perth Magistrate's Court next week after he was allegedly caught trying to steal a 20.5m Star Wars poster. The man was charged with criminal damage after plainclothes transit police found him with the skin from a Wellington Street billboard, which featured a picture of Darth Vader from the upcoming Star Wars film. The vinyl billboard skin measured 20.5m by 5.3m and was installed at the foot of the Barrack Street bridge on May 1.
Const. Shane Diston said the man was believed to have cut the poster from its frame using a steak knife. It was not clear what the man intended to do with the poster, which was too big to fit into a standard car. Twentieth Century Fox Film Distributors' John Scott said the incident cost the company about $6000 in loss of advertising exposure and replacement costs. He hoped the arrest would deter other people from trying to souvenir Star Wars promotional material. He extended his thanks to the police with the message: "May the force be with you".
Rebelscum Breast Cancer Awareness Charity Patch Posted By Philip on November 25, 2014: Thanks to everybody that ordered patches. I sent a check for $1,600.00 to the National Breast Cancer Foundation on Monday. While it's not as much as I hoped for, it's still very much appreciated. They will remain for sale in the store for anybody that still wishes to purchase them. Details after the jump.