Drew Struzan is best known to Star Wars fans for his iconic movie posters, having illustrated the posters for the Prequel Trilogy and the Special Editions of the Original Trilogy. His work helped define the way those films appeared to theater audiences all over the world. Today, in an interview with the blog Fanhattan alongside Being Human star (and Star Wars voice actor) Sam Witwer, Struzan dropped a hint that he's open to returning to the role of Star Wars movie poster designer:
I got a couple calls already this week on Star Wars from Disney. Oh my god, I?m trying to be retired! You know, I spent 35 years painting Star Wars. [laughs] I painted Star Wars before most of you were born! But I guess there is always a chance. There?s no intention. But I would love to have a day off every now and again, and I have to work a weekend and all through the night. If the opportunity arises, it will be a real temptation. But it?s going to have to be a real temptation to get me away from my wife and my little grandkids and my family. Away from the green trees and the blue skies for a change instead of just locked in the studio. But, you know, never say never. All things are possible.
So there you have it: Struzan may, or may not, reprise his role as poster illustrator for the Star Wars sequels. It's still not clear. But hey, the more continuity exists between the Star Wars "old guard" and the "next generation" of the sequels, the easier it will be for long-time fans to acclimate to this new era of the franchise. You can check out the full interview with Struzan and Witwer here.
Special thanks to Sam Witwer himself for passing along this story. In addition to playing Maul on The Clone Wars (and doing a fantastic job at that), Witwer also plays Aidan on Being Human. The show's third season just started last week, and the second episode airs tonight at 9 p.m. ET on Syfy. Check it out!
Rebelscum Breast Cancer Awareness Charity Patch Posted By Philip on November 25, 2014: Thanks to everybody that ordered patches. I sent a check for $1,600.00 to the National Breast Cancer Foundation on Monday. While it's not as much as I hoped for, it's still very much appreciated. They will remain for sale in the store for anybody that still wishes to purchase them. Details after the jump.