"The enormously influential anthology series "Dark Horse Presents" is set to return in April... CBR News is pleased to exclusively announce the full creative lineup for the debut issue, as well as other new details and exclusive art from the series in an interview with Dark Horse publisher Mike Richardson.
With 2011 marking Dark Horse's 25th anniversary, the series is returning in a big way. Now 80 pages per issue and in full-color (up from 3-4 black and white stories per issue), "Dark Horse Presents" #1 will include work from many of the artists and writers who helped build the publishing house as well as some new and less-recognized creators.
Randy Stradley, Paul Gulacy, Michael Heisler, "Star Wars: Crimson Empire" -- One of Dark Horse's most revered "Star Wars" titles returns in a prelude to "Crimson Empire 3." "We did the first two parts of what was planned to be a trilogy years ago," Richardson explained, referring to the 1997 and 1998 series he co-wrote with Stradley, also with Gulacy on art. "They actually were two of our best-selling Star Wars series, so it's been one of the most-requested series we've had over the years. During the course of writing, because of the new movies ['Phantom Menace' was released in 1999], we unintentionally kept stepping on the storyline and in the course of storytelling we kept having to constantly change it. It's hard when you have basic building blocks in your story and they're being pulled out one by one. So there's a lot of changes we had to make in the first set of books, and many more in the second. Suddenly, we were sort of covering for holes in the story because we couldn't use certain things.
"Now, after all these years, we're going back, and it's always kind of been in the back of our minds. So Randy is doing a recap story for 'Crimson Empire,' putting everything back into context since we've been away for a while. We're in the process, the original team, of putting together the final chapter in that series."'
Well, that'll definitely makes 2010 go out with a bang!!!!!
Rebelscum Breast Cancer Awareness Charity Patch Posted By Philip on November 25, 2014: Thanks to everybody that ordered patches. I sent a check for $1,600.00 to the National Breast Cancer Foundation on Monday. While it's not as much as I hoped for, it's still very much appreciated. They will remain for sale in the store for anybody that still wishes to purchase them. Details after the jump.