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Catching Up With SW: The Old Republic

Posted By Mike on April 23, 2012

Let's dive into our round-up with some updates from the newly revamped SWTOR.com.

First up, the official site of Star Wars: The Old Republic announced character transfers for Asia Pacific Territories...

"Today we are excited to announce that from now until April 24, 2012, 2:01PM AEST, 4:01PM NZST, 12:01PM HKT, 12:01PM SGT, qualifying players in the Asia Pacific territories who purchased Star Wars?: The Old Republic? prior to the game?s official launch in their region will be able to transfer their characters, for free, to a locally-hosted server!

To qualify for character transfer to an Asia Pacific server, players in Australia, New Zealand, Hong Kong and Singapore must have purchased their game, redeemed a Game Product Registration Code and either have or have had entered valid billing information or a Pre-Paid Game Time Card prior to 5:01PM AEDT / 7:01PM NZDT / 2:01PM HKT / 2:01PM SGT on Tuesday, February 28, 2012. Only characters created before this time qualify for transfers. You can check to see if you qualify by going to your ?My Account? screen on www.StarWarsTheOldRepublic.com and clicking the ?Asia Pacific Transfers? link on the right-side menu.

If you qualify, you can request character transfers to an Asia Pacific server by filling out and submitting the information on the Asia Pacific Transfers page. You will have until 2:01PM AEST / 4:01PM NZST / 12:01PM HKT / 12:01PM SGT on April 24th, 2012 to finalize your information and place your request."

Click here for the full announcement.

The Friday Community Q&A returned last week and here's a taste from the latest session...

"BlackMink: Could you please explain SWTOR's threat mechanics? What exactly do the de-taunt abilities do, and how exactly is threat generated? Is threat directly related point for point to the damage you do, or does each individual ability generate a pre-set amount of threat?

Cameron Winston (Combat Designer): Threat is calculated based on damage done, plus or minus certain modifiers, with one damage translating directly into one point of threat. These modifiers are always called out in the abilities which adjust them. For example, Soresu Form increases your threat generation globally, while Crushing Blow or Hilt Strike specifically generates extra bonus threat when activated.

De-taunt abilities reduce your threat level by a flat percentage of its current value. Healing generates less threat than damage and is split evenly among all enemies you are currently fighting.

Keldain: Love the stuff for 1.2! I think you guys are doing a great job on addressing the issues of the community. Just one thing I would really like an update on: is there any movement on getting an option to toggle hoods on and off?

Damion Schubert (Principal Lead Systems Designer): This is totally in the plan, but we are unsure at this time when it will get to you."

The full Q&A post can be read here.

The community section of SWTOR.com also provides your latest weekly patch notes and a reminder of the next scheduled maintenance:

"Tuesday, April 24th , 2012 from 2AM CDT (12AM PDT/3AM EDT/8AM BST/9AM CEST/5PM AEST) until 6AM CDT (4AM PDT/7AM EDT/12PM BST/1PM CEST/9PM AEST)"

Beware of the Rakghoul Plague that has popped up on Tatooine. SWTOR.com has a new Rakghoul Outbreak video and YouTube user gwood3 provides the following related videos to give you a feel for the contagious event. In addition, PCGamer.com has a detailed Rakghoul event guide.

And from MSNBC.com...

Visit msnbc.com for breaking news, world news, and news about the economy

IGN.com has a preview of the new upper tier PVP armor that has been added as part of the Legacy 1.2 Update. While we're at it, IGN also shares their impressions of Update 1.2 and also provides a list of the "Top 10 SWTOR Companions."

MCV.com and GameZone.com both report on an analysis from the Cowen and Company that suggests TOR interest is waning and that subscriptions will display a noticeable decline by 2013.

Sorry to end on a down note, but if you are currently enjoying the game, that's all that really matters.

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