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CV: The Force Unleashed II Panel Coverage

Posted By Mike on August 14, 2010

It came as no surprise that David Collins would be the moderator for the panel on The Force Unleashed II considering he's the voice of the image-shifting droid, Proxy. Collins was joined by Art Director Matt Omernick and Producer Brett Rector for a lively panel that looked to be playing to a full house. Before I get into the panel cliff notes, let's offer up a SPOILER WARNING. While I was aware that a good part of the panel would center on the story of TFU II, I was pleasantly surprised that we learned as much as we did. A good amount of the info was already out there, but be warned none-the-less.

- Naturally, we got to see the cinematic trailer on the big screen with some big sound and though I'd seen it on the computer, it was fantastic in its full glory
- Things began with Matt Omernick mentioning that essentially the same team worked on TFU II that worked on TFU I
- Images were shown of the novelization cover art, game cover art, and some nice console controller accessories.

And now on to the story details...

- Vader arrives at his secrect cloning facility on Kamino
- Vader tells Starkiller that he's a clone and not the first and most likely won't be the last
- Starkiller has memory flashbacks of his previous life, including visions of Juno Eclipse
- At some point Vader reveals to Starkiller that General Kota is a prisoner on Kato Nemoidia
- Vader tests Starkiller with droids similar to Proxy who can change their apprearance, yet he can't bring himself to kill the appearance of Juno
- Starkiller then gets a bit upset, blasts out of the room, and fights his way off Kamino
- In order to leave the planet Starkiller steals Vader's Advanced TIE fighter
- Starkiller now has a purpose and the main thrust of the game seems to be about his identity crisis...and finding Juno Eclipse

- Starkiller then heads to Cato Nemoidia which is run by an Imperial representative named Baron Tarko who has turned the planet into a seedy gambling type of a place
- Kota has been gladiator fighting for 7 days straight
- The huge monster from the original teaser trailer, Gorog, is the first big boss battle (that thing "eats Rancors for breakfast")
- The battle culminates with Starkiller and Kota defeating the Gorog in a freefall
- An updated Rogue Shadow swoops in to save Starkiller and Kota from falling to their deaths but Juno Eclipse is not onboard
- General Kota doesn't believe Starkiller is a clone and Starkiller ultimately heads out on his own to find himself
- This search leads him to Dagobah where he meets this little dude named Yoda
- It doesn't seem like Yoda fully reveals who he is to Starkiller but that doesn't prevent him from imparting some wisdom on the troubled clone
- Starkiller enters the infamous cave from Episode V and has visions of multiple Starkillers as well as Juno Eclipse in trouble
- But then there's Vader who's never been too good at letting anything go. He wants his clone back!
- Vader enlists the help of Boba Fett to track down Juno in order to draw out Starkiller

Gamplay Footage:

- Gameplay footage from the Cato Nemoidia level looks incredible.
- Starkiller fights with two lightsabers now (including when he throws them)
- The overall lighting of the levels have been enhanced
- Enemies are smarter as is evident by them dodging Force Push
- Starkiller throws missles back at AT-MTs with the Force
- Force Fury enhances Force powers when the meter is filled
- Dismemberment of enemies is fun! Makes things that much more realistic
- More gameplay footage from Kamino shows Starkiller blasting things out of his way while freefalling (Incredible!)
- The Jedi Mind Trick is demonstrated with a Starmtrooper throwing himself out of a window
- Finally we see a short video on the story of Starkiller featuring Julio Torres and Haden Blackman (who has since left LucasArts)

And just a few notes from the Q&A period that rounded out the panel...

- No DLC to be announced yet
- There will be more Light Side/Dark Side choices like at the end of TFU I
- The Force Unleashed II has a similar amount of gameplay time on the main game but mini games add a bit more
- No multiplayer on the PS3 or Xbox 360.
- The Wii graphics and multiplayer have been improved
- When asked if there will be jaw dropping moments like Starkiller single-handedly taking down a Star Destroyer, the answer was yes.
- The time period for the game is roughly 6 months after the first game and 2 years prior to ANH.

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