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Breaking News Posted By Paul on September 13, 2006
I think this is really a pretty significant day for everyone who's interested in Star Wars: serious afficionados, casual fans, guys in the street.
Issue 3 of the new Star Wars comic-book, Legacy, just hit the stores today. It contains one of the most important developments the galaxy far, far away has seen since the start of the new millennium.
For those who don't want major spoilers, don't scroll any further down the page....
You sure you want to read this?
Luke Skywalker is dead.
We don't know how it happens yet, or when. Legacy #3 is set more than a hundred years after the movies, and the actual even of his death seems to have occurred at some point before the timeframe of the comic.
But Luke's appearance in full fuzzy blue Ben Kenobi style here marks a major day in Star Wars history - the first time since Chewbacca that an important character from the movies has joined the Force. And, I mean, this is Luke we're talking about.
Farmboy. The Kid. Young Skywalker. The Jedi Master.
Just think about that for a moment, in silence: Luke Skywalker is dead.
Pretty cool, huh?
You can see a preview of issue 3 here at, or you can discuss the news in the thread at the TF.N Message Boards.
And of course, Luke's untold adventures over the decades after Return of the Jedi are still being chronicled in the Legacy of the Force novels, the most recent of which, Bloodlines has just been reviewed right here at TF.N.
But for now, I leave you with the cover of Legacy #7, which is due in December. It seems kinda appropriate:
Luke Skywalker: 1977-2006
Rebelscum Breast Cancer Awareness Charity Patch Posted By Philip on November 25, 2014: Thanks to everybody that ordered patches. I sent a check for $1,600.00 to the National Breast Cancer Foundation on Monday. While it's not as much as I hoped for, it's still very much appreciated. They will remain for sale in the store for anybody that still wishes to purchase them. Details after the jump.