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Aayla Secura Talks Star Wars TV Series Posted By Britany on April 25, 2005
UPDATE from Philip: I visited with Amy Allen today in Dallas and she denied this report in its entirety.
Justin met Amy Allen, who plays Aayla Secura, at Celebration III over the weekend:
I met Amy on Saturday and got her autograph and the usual conversation. I asked her about her status in ROTS. She said that (highlight to read) she "does not die" and that she is "hoping that George will call her, in regards to the television series" and that they have briefly discussed a role for her. Whether that is a starring role, or a supporting role, Aayla Secura is mostly confirmed to be a character in the new series.
Rebelscum Breast Cancer Awareness Charity Patch Posted By Philip on November 25, 2014: Thanks to everybody that ordered patches. I sent a check for $1,600.00 to the National Breast Cancer Foundation on Monday. While it's not as much as I hoped for, it's still very much appreciated. They will remain for sale in the store for anybody that still wishes to purchase them. Details after the jump.