EU Roundtable #1.2
to the second go-round, folks! If the first Roundtable was about proving the
concept, the second was very much about testing it. There were a handful of
problems, the most prominent of which being yours truly showing up an hour and
a half late. Thankfully, everyone was still hanging around and more than willing
to forgive me and forge onward. The other notable setback we encountered was on-again-off-again
lag. While normally I would endeavor to leave the transcript as close to
unaltered as possible, I decided it would be prudent to move around a few lines
of dialogue here and there to compensate for time delay and keep people?s
thoughts coherent. At least, as coherent as they were to begin with. My guests
for the evening were the lovely, the talented:
And as usual there?s me, Mike Cooper, friend to
children and small animals everywhere. Here we go?
You have just entered room
"EU Roundtable."
Mike Cooper:
Hyperspace has now been in effect for over a year. Aside from the obvious RotS
coverage, is it worth it for EU fans? Or should they be doing more?
Nathan Blumenfeld:: Well, I don't subscribe to Hyperspace, and I don't feel
like I'm missing much of anything. I'll feel bad to miss those forthcoming
comic strips, but those alone are not worth the price of subscription to me. So
to answer your
Nathan Blumenfeld:: question, I think they should be doing more if they want
my custom. :-)
Bob Vitas:: Well, if you like old pictures and old fiction...
Mike Cooper: so things like
the clone wars episodes and the old short stories aren't enough to draw your
Nathan Butler:: I figure that for all we get, as general fans, it's worth
it. What drew me into Insider at first was that it was taking over the prose
short stories from Gamer, and that was something, as an EU fan, that I didn't
want to miss...
Bob Vitas:: From the encyclopedia's perspective, it's worth it to get
breaking character names, etc.
Nathan Butler:: The same goes for the old fiction that is being reprinted on
Hyperspace, for those who haven't read it. It's little gems of the saga. For
me, though, what makes it worth it is that I've had the chance to work with Tom
Hodges a...
Nathan Butler:: while back, and I'm stoked to see him finally get his SW
shot with the comic strip.
Nathan Blumenfeld:: The Clone Wars episodes were on TV, and will be
available on DVD. Besides which, I hate that animation. I have most of the old
short stories. So no, it's not worth it.
Nathan Butler:: See, I would say that it's worth it for the first-run CW
Nathan Blumenfeld:: I'm not much interested in behind-the-scenes movie
stuff, either. If I were to subscribe, it would be for EU material only.
Nathan Butler:: Granted, they'll be on DVD, but if you aren't at your television
right when the new episodes were airing or will air, you missed out . . .
unless you had Hyperspace. Assuming you wanted the commentary or a
bigger-than-crappy res.
Bob Vitas:: Yeah, but you can download the episodes from other sites
almost as soon as they come out. (editor?s note ? naturally, TFN does not
condone etc etc?)
Nathan Butler:: Bootlegga! ;-)
Mike Cooper: heheh
Nathan Butler:: That's a new alien I think. Bootlegga the Hutt.
Nathan Butler:: He sells glitterstim and illegally copied movies across the
Nathan Blumenfeld:: The cartoons just don't interest me enough to worry
about missing one. I've only seen a few of them, in fact, and don't much care
for them. Nor the newfangled Star Wars Adventures books from DHC. That format
doesn't appeal to me,
Nathan Blumenfeld:: and the stories it's been used for haven't been good
enough to make it worth it.
Bob Vitas:: Nope. He's the crimelord who was fixing the blob races that
got Vob Bitas executed!
Nathan Butler:: SW Adventures from DHC? You mean the Scholastic game books?
Nathan Butler:: The AOTC versions of Episode I Adventures and SW Missions?
Mike Cooper: he means those
little comics
Nathan Blumenfeld:: Clone Wars Adventures, rather. My bad.
Mike Cooper: i thought haden
blackman actually did a pretty good job considering the format
Nathan Butler:: Ah, gotcha. Hey, I liked those, if only for that freakazoid
artwork. Lines, lines everywhere
Nathan Butler:: I was surprised that the CWA comic TPB and the Free Comic
Book Day issue weren't by the same writer.
Nathan Butler:: Just struck me as odd.
Mike Cooper: i almost wish
haden was writing the actual episodes
Nathan Blumenfeld:: I'm just spoiled by Ostrander's brilliant writing, I
guess. And the freakazoid artwork really bothers me. Even as a completist I
found it hard to buy that book.
Nathan Butler:: Maybe if someone at DH had the chance to write them, there'd
be less continuity insanity
Mike Cooper: heh
Nathan Butler:: "Yeah, uhm, somehow all these Jedi that look like
they're gonna die are gonna live, Ventress survives, and somehow she gets off
Yavin IV and gets her ship back. We knew that."
Nathan Blumenfeld:: The Free CBD issue will be included in Volume 2, I
Nathan Butler:: Frelling sad trying to shoehorn Infinities-intended
materials into continuity, but I digress
Nathan Butler:: (And I'm hypocritical in saying that, given my Janes-esque
view on Tales, rather than Land-esque.)
Mike Cooper: and durge
regenerates within a year
Nathan Butler:: That too. Soup to badass in record time.
Bob Vitas:: Durge had to come back, though. Too much moving slimy bits.
Nathan Butler:: Like Congress.
Bob Vitas:: heh heh heh
Mike Cooper: i just want to
know...if he can be blown to bits and regenerate that fast, what on earth did
the mandalorians do to him?
Nathan Butler:: I mean, uhm, the Galactic Senate. Not Congress. No. D.C. is
nothing but professional.
Bob Vitas:: Maybe they obliterated him, then froze the pieces (a la
Terminator 2) and threw them into space.
Nathan Blumenfeld:: Durge shouldn't have come back. Durge shouldn't have
been invented in the first place. What an annoying character.
Nathan Blumenfeld:: Congress moves?
Nathan Blumenfeld:: The Mandalorians took the bits and locked them in
seperate boxes, then scattered the boxes all over the galaxy.
Nathan Blumenfeld:: Wow. Some serious lagging here on my part.
Mike Cooper: we're all
feeling it
Mike Cooper: especially bob
i think
Bob Vitas:: It comes and goes...
Bob Vitas:: ... like Congress!
Nathan Butler:: Wait...individually packaged icky Durge parts...
Mike Cooper: heh
Nathan Butler:: I just figured out where Twizzlers come from!
Mike Cooper: and the EU
Roundtable series gets its first running gag
Mike Cooper: eeeeeeww
Bob Vitas:: Eww. So much for my sweet tooth.
Nathan Butler:: Don't ask how milk duds fit into the digestive cycle of an
Nathan Butler:: Just dont'.
Nathan Blumenfeld:: So, how do Milk Duds fit into the digestive cycle of an
Nathan Blumenfeld:: Let me guess: They don't.
Bob Vitas:: Talk about digressing!
Nathan Blumenfeld:: Indeed. So, how 'bout that Hyperspace?
Mike Cooper: not to get back
on topic or anything, but what do you think they'd have to start doing on
hyperspace to get your business, nathan?
Nathan Blumenfeld:: Publishing new fiction (by authors whose work I care to
read) on a regular basis. Preferably fiction that won't later be made available
in another form that I'll be buying anyway.
Bob Vitas:: From here, it was good when it first started, because
anything they put up was new. Lots of good stuff for the encyclopedia. Now, you
have to wade through the old production stills to get to the nuggets of
Mike Cooper: yeah, but then
everyone will complain that they're not getting reprinted
Bob Vitas:: Yeah, more new (exclusive) content.
Mike Cooper: i really don't
see them doing anything along the lines of new fiction; at least not beyond the
hodges strip
Nathan Butler:: I do subscribe, but I'll agree. The more exclusive content
you put up, the better. It was the redundancy of information that caused many
to turn to fan sites rather than for years anyway. Hyperspace is a good
step, but
Nathan Butler:: needs more.
Nathan Blumenfeld:: Exactly. So just drop this paid subscription for stuff
that will all be made available later crud. Get rid of Hyperspace.
Nathan Butler:: Well, now you could just look at it as an extension of the
Insider, since it's a bundled deal now.
Nathan Butler:: At least there's a physical product to help justify the cost
for naysayesr.
Bob Vitas:: I agree. If it's just going to show up somewhere else, it's
just LFL getting paid twice for the the same thing.
Nathan Blumenfeld:: Eh. I cancelled my insider subscription when the fiction
started losing quality and regularity.
Mike Cooper: started losing
quality? when would you say that was?
Nathan Butler:: Well, Changing Seasons wasn't exactly....coherent at times.
Bob Vitas:: Second that!
Mike Cooper: i actually
haven't gotten around to it yet
Nathan Blumenfeld:: It didn't help that I never got the first post-Gamer
issue, so don't have part four of Keyes' serial. Still holding a grudge about
that one.
Mike Cooper: too,
Nathan Butler:: I mean, a weapon of destruction that's like a piece of
Mike Cooper: but yeah, zah
does seem to be losing it lately
Mike Cooper: *zahn
Nathan Butler:: Yeah, Survivor's Quest...'nuff said.
Nathan Butler:: 400 page long 100 page story
Bob Vitas:: LOL
Nathan Butler:: But his earlier stuff was gold, so I guess it balances.
Mike Cooper: i am still
looking forward to outbound flight
Mike Cooper: i think it's
pretty ironic that people spent all this time trying to figure out what to call
it, and sue rostoni's just like "oh, hell with it. we'll call it star
wars: outbound flight"
Nathan Blumenfeld:: I just find it interesting how one shot takes down a
stormy in the movies, yet Zahn's stormies can take a sustained barrage of
blaster fire and walk away from it.
Nathan Butler:: I'm sure someone will someday say, "Wow, I dug that
Butler's audio stuff, but that Kyle story was CRAP." Eh, so it goes.
Nathan Blumenfeld:: I enjoy Zahn's stuff, but I don't love any of it.
Mike Cooper: well really,
though, which makes more sense?
Mike Cooper: them being
stormtroopers and all
Nathan Blumenfeld:: Zahn's, no question 'bout that. What's the point of
armor if all it does is slow you down?
Nathan Butler:: They're super stormies
Nathan Butler:: I mean Stoormtroopers.
Nathan Blumenfeld:: Is their armor also super?
Nathan Butler:: Zahn clone troopers with the double o
Nathan Butler:: Aarmor
Nathan Butler:: heh
Mike Cooper: heh
Mike Cooper: oooookay, let's
move along
Mike Cooper: serious voice:
Michael Reaves will be doing three separate novels set after RotS, with the
bridge title of Coruscant Nights. Cool idea, or cheesy B-movie idea?
Bob Vitas:: Cool idea, cheesy B-movie title?
Nathan Blumenfeld:: Don't know enough. Three Reaves novels is good. Would
need to know something about them other than the title to say much more than
that, though.
Nathan Butler:: Odd title. Sounds like Taxicab Confessions, but the concept
of three stories that are set a year apart from each other, which isn't just a
direct continuation trilogy...I dig that idea. Very SW film-esque in pacing.
Bob Vitas:: Cool idea, cheesy NC-17 B-movie title?
Nathan Butler:: As for Reaves, I really dig what I've read so far of
Medstar: Battle Surgeons, but I really wasn't too keen on Shadow Hunter.
Nathan Butler:: But then, not a big Maul fan.
Mike Cooper: steve perry
said it'll involve medstar character(s); i'm willing to bet it's gonna be den
dhur roaming the seedy underbelly
Nathan Blumenfeld:: Reaves writes pretty good noirish horrorish stuff. I'm
hoping for a sort of Angel on Coruscant deal.
Nathan Butler:: Luke...and Lukelus.
Mike Cooper: i didn't even
buy shadow hunter until the paperback because it seemed so uninteresting, and
it ended up blowing me away
Nathan Butler:: (I know nothing about Angel other than what my girlfriend
has told me, so consider that my one intelligent Angel comment...ever.)
Nathan Blumenfeld:: Intelligent?
Nathan Butler:: Quasi-intelligent.
Bob Vitas:: hehehe
Mike Cooper: okay, i can
handle straying from the topic here and there, but let's at least stick to
straying onto other star wars topics
Nathan Blumenfeld:: Shadow Hunter didn't blow me away, but I enjoyed it. It
was a good fast romp of an adventure.
Mike Cooper: i think every
star wars book needs a character like lorn pavan
Nathan Blumenfeld:: MedStar I I liked quite a bit. More than the sum of its
Nathan Blumenfeld:: I preferred I-5
Nathan Butler:: So, generally....having Reaves back is a good thing if
Medstar is an indication. And the timing of the stories sounds interesting to
me. So, let's see it, y'know?
Mike Cooper: I-5 was more
entertaining, but there's something about the archetype lorn represented...same
with nick rostu in shatterpoint
Nathan Blumenfeld:: And Han Solo?
Mike Cooper: oh yeah, and
that guy
Mike Cooper: the weird thing
about these books coming out is, randy stradley is saying that DH has to stay
out of the post-E3 period because of the TV prospects
Bob Vitas:: Depends on the characters
Mike Cooper: that's what
you'd think. i mean, there's no shortage of stuff to cover in that period
Nathan Butler:: Perhaps these are more tangential stories in Coruscant
Nights. Though that puts them into yet another area where we might be seeing
non-mainstream characters center-stage. How much of their novel schedule can
they fill with those
Nathan Butler:: before it wears thin on non-superfans?
Nathan Blumenfeld:: That may be why they're three standalones, presumably
not with major characters -- so as not to interfere with TV stuff. Whereas DHC
would probably focus more on more central characters.
Mike Cooper: i don't see DH
doing anything more central to the post-RotS era than empire is central to the
post-ANH era
Bob Vitas:: Story's also important, though. A dumb story will kill any
Nathan Blumenfeld:: I don't worry about the non-superfans, really.
Mike Cooper: i can understand
the desire to keep them in the fold, but you can't shape your entire outlook
around them
Nathan Butler:: Eh, Del Rey has to thought.
Nathan Blumenfeld:: As to story . . . yes, it's important. But stories are
everywhere. Plot, on the other hand . . . well, MedStar didn't have a
whole lot of plot and was quite good.
Mike Cooper: like after
shatterpoint didn't sell very well, they decided it was because mace wasn't a
big enough character
Mike Cooper: i refuse to
believe that casual fans would see a book with mace looking that hardcore on
the cover and think "eh, i'd rather have a book about anakin being
Nathan Blumenfeld:: And it was head to head with Harry Potter. . .
Bob Vitas:: OK, concept then...
Bob Vitas:: ...the idea that hooks you and drags you along. That's why I
liked "Children of the Jedi" so much... Gamorreans in stormtrooper
Mike Cooper: heehee
Nathan Butler:: See, I couldn't really stand COTJ.
Mike Cooper: speaking
*achem* basic
Nathan Blumenfeld:: I liked Children, though not for that reason. Too
bad she had to follow it up with Planet of Twilight.
Nathan Butler:: Of the Callista Cycle, I was a Darksaber fan, more than the
other two, even before KJA explained the whole reasoning for so many
superweapons to me on the show.
Mike Cooper: CotJ and PoT didn't
really do much for me, but i don't really dislike them either
Mike Cooper: darksaber's
LJA's best star wars story i think
Mike Cooper: *KJA's
Nathan Blumenfeld:: TotJ: Redemption gets my vote for best KJA EU.
Nathan Butler:: Too bad he doesn't have the leeway, or didn't, in his SW
books to be as expansive as in his Saga of Seven Suns. Great stuff, that.
Bob Vitas:: The only one I truly disliked was "Crystal Star"
Mike Cooper: granted, i'm
still working my way through the TotJ stuff
Nathan Butler:: Yeah, that was great. Redemption is a classic.
Mike Cooper: the only books
i outright dislike are crystal star and bounty hunter wars
Nathan Butler:: Heh, Crystal Star. about antiforce?
Nathan Butler:: :: slaps someone over that ::
Nathan Butler:: I had to skim the BH trilogy
Bob Vitas:: A big cube of antiforcematter
Nathan Blumenfeld:: Yeah, you can't swallow a barve like that all at once.
Mike Cooper: the funny thing
about crystal star is that i actually like the stuff with the solo kids a lot
Mike Cooper: as hackneyed as
the kidnapping thing was, i'd say macintyre was the only bantam author to
really treat them seriously
Nathan Blumenfeld:: Been so long since I read Crystal Star, I barely
remember it. Is that the one with Hethrir and . . . Ursa, was it? The My Pretty
Pony Jedi Girlie?
Bob Vitas:: Short of the NJO
Bob Vitas:: Yep
Mike Cooper: well, i'm
talking about before YJK and all that. while they were still too young to be
central characters
Mike Cooper: hethrir, yes.
don't remember anyone named ursa
Nathan Blumenfeld:: Heh. The pre-YJK twins memory I have is maybe from
Allen's books, where Jacen is getting chubby and Han likens him to Jabba the
Nathan Butler:: I can't recall if her name was Ursa, but I think I know what
he means. The little...centaur-like girl.
Mike Cooper: or some crap
like that =)
Bob Vitas:: Lusa
Nathan Blumenfeld:: That's it.
Bob Vitas:: (as he quickly scans the database)
Mike Cooper: alright, moving
Mike Cooper: Jeremy Barlow's
new Tales format, with stories both in and out of continuity. About time, isn't
Nathan Blumenfeld:: Darn tootin'!
Mike Cooper: (counts the
seconds until the kyle katarn story is plugged)
Nathan Butler:: Aye, hear hear.
Nathan Butler:: Heh, what Kyle Katarn story?
Nathan Butler:: ;-)
Mike Cooper: say something
bad about barlow, nathan. i dare ya
Bob Vitas:: The idea of both kinds of stories is better than before...
although the Iron Chef issue was hilarious.
Nathan Butler:: Actually, I've really had nothing but good experiences with
Jeremy at this point. It's...creepy.
Nathan Blumenfeld:: See, if Katarn had been on the team in Star by Star,
all would have ended well. And if Katarn, not Ganner, had gone after Jacen,
there would be no "the Ganner" because no Yuuzhan Vong would have
lived to tell the tale. ;-)
Nathan Butler:: Damn right. Kyle and Jan: The Dynamic Duo of...Duo-dom.
Mike Cooper: and that book
would've lost one of its coolest moments
Mike Cooper: ganner, i mean
Nathan Butler:: True. Hell, one of the entire NJO's best moments.
Mike Cooper: i do have to
say that i hope this isn't the end altogether of htales umor stories
Mike Cooper: *tales humor
Nathan Blumenfeld:: Kyle: The one-man army of the GFFA. But getting back on
topic, I really like the new direction Tales is taking. As more of a companion
to the other books, with longer more serious stories.
Nathan Butler:: Actually, on the whole era tag thing, or the in- or
out-of-continuity tag...
Nathan Butler:: yeah, it's a tag, but really, I feel like it's a return to
the Tales roots back when Janes was in charge and he flat out told us that some
tales happen, some don't, rather than that blanket Infinities nonsense.
Mike Cooper: the indy issue
had some really great stuff in it
Nathan Butler:: You mean the most recent? #20?
Mike Cooper: yeah
Mike Cooper: kochalka is the
frickin' man
Nathan Butler:: UGH. See, to me, that was the most "awesomely bad"
(as VH1 would say) Tales ever.
Nathan Butler:: For Land's "encore," it was kinda sad
Nathan Butler:: but for his "final issue," #19 . . . that one
wowed me.
Mike Cooper: you just have
to go in expecting nothing, i'd say
Nathan Blumenfeld:: I don't think I've read Tales since #8 or 9. Though I've
got them all.
Nathan Butler:: Stories don't have to be set in an obvious time frame to be
serious and entertaining, and that issue proved it. That
"Storyteller" tale was great, for instance.
Mike Cooper: things have
been generally better
Nathan Butler:: I really kind of wish that they could have relaunched the
series with a new #1 or with a new title altogether, honestly.
Mike Cooper: ever since..16,
i believe it was
Bob Vitas:: See, I think that the old Tales - even the Infinities stuff -
could be taken "in continuity"... if you take the stand that it was
someone's wild-ass interpretation of a well-known story.
Mike Cooper: 16 was the last
truly awful issue
Nathan Butler:: It feels like it's such a turnaround that it might as well
be an entirely new series.
Nathan Blumenfeld:: I agree, but if they changed the title, they might lose
old readers.
Mike Cooper: the big problem
with the infinities stuff from my perspective isn't even the completely crazy
stories, it's the ones that could have fit fine if it wasn't for one or two
stupid little mistakes
Nathan Butler:: I figure 64 pages. I know my story in #21 is the shortest at
14 pages, so figure 15 for the other two each, right? That's about 2/3 of a
regular comic. You can get in a lot more story depth there.
Bob Vitas:: Haven't read pas 18 yet
Bob Vitas:: *past
Nathan Butler:: I just can't wait for the new logo. I haven't seen it yet,
nor the photo cover for #21, and I try to keep in the loop with Jeremy on a
daily or at least weekly basis these days.
Mike Cooper: because you
haven't wanted to, bob, or you just haven't gotten around to them?
Mike Cooper: there's a new
Bob Vitas:: Haven't picked them up from the comic store yet. Been too
busy with "real life".
Nathan Butler:: Far as I know. It's an entire "revamped" look that
he keeps talking about.
Mike Cooper: real life? is
that, like, the movies themselves?
Bob Vitas:: No, that's canon.
Mike Cooper: oh
Bob Vitas:: ;-)
Mike Cooper: you mean
studying george lucas himself
Nathan Blumenfeld:: Real life? That's the thing with the . . . outside . . .
Bob Vitas:: Sounds like a movie... "Studying George Lucas"
Nathan Butler:: Like "Being John Malkovich"...but in flannel
Bob Vitas:: Yup... with the wife who doesn't like to wear the steel
Mike Cooper: so nathan, are
you start reading them again now?
Bob Vitas:: (Did I say that)
Mike Cooper: heh
Nathan Blumenfeld:: I'll start reading the new revamped version, sure.
Nathan Blumenfeld:: Looking forward to it very much. Kyle Katarn was the
magic word. Er, words.
Mike Cooper: i'm not even
gonna ask why you've bought the last twelve issues when you don't even want to
read them
Mike Cooper: i can
appreciate the collector's instinct, but six damn bucks an issue?
Nathan Blumenfeld:: I buy each hoping for something worthwhile, then flip through
them and sigh and put them on the shelf with the others. I'm an optimist, what
can I say?
Nathan Butler:: Oh, you'll dig the Kyle stuff. I'm told it's pretty good.
Nathan Butler:: Just wish we had, I dunno, 140 pages instead of 14. :P
Mike Cooper: you've gotta
appreciate a guy who can type and pat himself on the back at the same time
Nathan Blumenfeld:: Just tell me whose kneecaps to threaten to get you those
140 credits. . .
Nathan Blumenfeld:: pages, not credits
Bob Vitas:: It's a tough skill to learn
Mike Cooper: well, let's
wait until we can see the story first =)
Nathan Butler:: Yeah. I feel sort of like by using Kyle, I've become the TPM
of Tales stories, y'know? Expectations vs. Reality...ugh.
Nathan Butler:: But hopefully it'll be enjoyable and at least try to develop
the character a bit more beyond what we've seen. Or at least show us how he
looks as an older man. heh
Nathan Blumenfeld:: Yeah, but if TPM had had Kyle, I'd've loved it. :-P
Bob Vitas:: (Someone needs to do the Vob Bitas story)
Mike Cooper: hey, i'm just
happy for something in continuity and set during the NJO
Nathan Butler:: Wait, who said in-continuity?
Mike Cooper: what story?
he's dead, isn't he?
Nathan Butler:: KIDDING!!!
Nathan Butler:: (No killing me.)
Bob Vitas:: Yeah, but he was framed!
Nathan Blumenfeld:: KILLING!!!
Nathan Blumenfeld:: (No kidding you.)
Bob Vitas:: The Republic printed the story too soon, and was too
embarrassed to print the truth.
Mike Cooper: for anyone who
doesn't know, let me just clarify that bob here had a character named after him
in a holonet news article
Mike Cooper: vob bitas, the
sleazy blob racer
Bob Vitas:: HEY
Bob Vitas:: My blob's name was Mark McGuire...
Nathan Butler:: Dude, what the hell? I had a character named after me in a
comic's script, but it wasn't spoken in the comic itself...and he got killed.
Do you think there's a "death to fandom" thing here? ;-)
Mike Cooper: are there blob
Nathan Blumenfeld:: At least it's not the bleazy slob racer.
Bob Vitas:: Apparently
Nathan Butler:: Bass turds!
Nathan Blumenfeld:: I also had a character named after me. Except it wasn't
a Star Wars story. Set in another milieu.
Nathan Butler:: No, really. Fish poop, I say!
Mike Cooper: let's see...vob
bitas: dead. krono: dead. clone wars mandalorians: strewn all over republic #67
Mike Cooper: the lesson:
leave the VIPs alone
Bob Vitas:: Never
Mike Cooper: what would that
be, nathan?
Nathan Blumenfeld:: I think the Republic 67 Mandalorians were kind of a wink
at Darth Nuke.
Mike Cooper: exactly
Mike Cooper: and that's now
two roundtables in a row that've mentioned them
Mike Cooper: maybe i can get
randy himself for the next one
Nathan Butler:: Dude, don't get randy with people in a chat. That's just
perverted and, well, sick.
Nathan Butler:: Ah, punnage.
Nathan Blumenfeld:: If you get Randy, you must invite Nuke as well.
Mike Cooper: okay, let's
move on. i don't want to get into this again
Mike Cooper: well, i do, but
i don't
Nathan Blumenfeld:: Heh.
Mike Cooper: Medstar duology
- who is the spy?
(Editor?s note: it had been decided earlier that Butler
would cut and run when we reached this topic, as he was only a fourth of the
way through the book at the time)
Mike Cooper: nate, i assume
you're gonna go now?
Nathan Butler:: Yep, I'm taking off. No spoilers of Medstar for me. I've
actually gotten into this one without the "when the hell will something
good happen" feeling. :-)
Mike Cooper: we don't
exactly NEED to cover spoilers, but there are things from the end of the book
that apply
Nathan Butler:: Evening, gentlemen!
Mike Cooper: you're in for a
good ride
Mike Cooper: thanks for
Nathan Blumenfeld:: Good evening.
Bob Vitas:: G'night (again!)
Nathan Butler:: Anytime.
Butler has left the room.
Nathan Blumenfeld:: Well, assuming Michael Reaves all but said that it's
Tolk, I'm guessing Tolk. Though before that I was leaning toward the shrink.
Mike Cooper: i dunno..i
wouldn't put it past him to have been screwing with us
Bob Vitas:: Tolk makes sense... getting intimate with the chief of
surgeons and all that.
Nathan Blumenfeld:: He could well have been.
Mike Cooper: bob, have you
heard about reaves' erstwhile appearance in the "who is the spy"
Bob Vitas:: Not yet
Mike Cooper: and it was
confirmed that the spy's POV was supposed to be written gender neutral
Bob Vitas:: What'd I miss?
Mike Cooper: basically, he
posted something about the possibility of tolk having a big desk (i think),
that being one of the clues from the novel
Nathan Blumenfeld:: Reaves popped in, said not to discount Tolk, then later
said Whoops I meant to post that as a sock.
Mike Cooper: but there's
always the possibility that A: he's lying or B: he just wanted us to keep her
in the running so we'd be less likely to guess right
Bob Vitas:: Well, he did kill off quite a few potential new characters
Bob Vitas:: I mean returning
Nathan Blumenfeld:: Yes, and we can be sure it isn't one of the major POV
characters -- Jos, Barriss, the journalist, etc.
Nathan Blumenfeld:: I was set on the shrink until Tolk came up.
Mike Cooper: that thread
actually has put forth a lot of cool possibilities
Bob Vitas:: Why not Barriss, working really deep undercover?
Mike Cooper: jos could be
the spy without realizing it, like fight club
Mike Cooper: phow ji might
not be dead
Bob Vitas:: Her mission could have been three-fold - infiltrate the
Separatists, infiltrate Black Sun, and bring them all to a confrontation on
Nathan Blumenfeld:: If that's the case, I give up on the EU. I think.
Nathan Blumenfeld:: The Jos thing, that is.
Mike Cooper: it depends on
how it's handled
Bob Vitas:: Yeah, if it's Jos, I'll retract my support of
Mike Cooper: someone also
suggested that it might be xizor, and reaves responded by pointing out that the
surronian conqueror seen in the story is actually the same one that guri has in
Bob Vitas:: =-O
Nathan Blumenfeld:: OMGOMG Tolk=model for Guri OMGOMG!!!11!
Mike Cooper: =)
Bob Vitas:: Aw jeez... that makes sense!
Mike Cooper: if that's the
case i swear i'll track reaves and perry down and become their manservant
Mike Cooper: there's a
chance, though, that he just meant it's the same kind of ship, but i
seriously doubt it
Bob Vitas:: Wait, Tolk's attracted to Jos, right? Maybe Jos is Xizor with
a Falleen version of an ooglith masquer.
Bob Vitas:: So Jos IS the spy
Mike Cooper: heh
Bob Vitas:: Ties all the eras together
Nathan Blumenfeld:: I think the spy is Quin!
Mike Cooper: THAT would be
Nathan Blumenfeld:: Wait, no I don't.
Mike Cooper: one problem with
jos, though, is that the spy doesn't seem to be human
Bob Vitas:: Jos = Xizor !!!
Mike Cooper: they've got a
grudge against the republic, and a kinship with the nediji
Nathan Blumenfeld:: I don't the kinship was a literal one. More a "both
of our races have endured this, we are brothers in suffering" sort of
Mike Cooper: does xizor have
a grudge against the republic? other than, you know, all those pesky
Nathan Blumenfeld:: Not until Vader comes along and decimates his species.
Bob Vitas:: At that point in time, probably not. It's too easy for him to
get what he needs, with all the corruption in the US Senate.
Mike Cooper: well, not
really his species
Bob Vitas:: Um, er, I mean GALACTIC Senate
Mike Cooper: man, we're
really on that tonight
Mike Cooper: so yeah, that's
what i'm saying. i can see xizor doing what the spy's doing, but not really for
the same reasons
Bob Vitas:: If information is his primary business, though, what could he
gain on Drongar that he couldn't gain elsewhere?
Nathan Blumenfeld:: Money.
Mike Cooper: who's to say it
was his primary business back then?
Bob Vitas:: True, just going with what we know about him. He's not in
charge of Black Sun yet, is he? I'm drawing a blank.
Mike Cooper: we know that he
wasn't running things until after TPM at the absolute earliest, i wouldn't be
surprised if he didn't hit the top spot until a few years before yavin
Mike Cooper: in fact, maybe
coruscant nights will deal with xizor's rise to power
Nathan Blumenfeld:: Maybe, though I'd say that's more Perry territory.
Bob Vitas:: We don't hear much about the bota post-Clone Wars... so Xizor
couldn't have made a fortune for Black Sun with it.
Nathan Blumenfeld:: I still like the idea of the mousy journalist fella
getting involved in a bunch of noir-y situations during the Empire's rise to
Mike Cooper: ditto
Mike Cooper: that,
esssentially, is the epitome of what i want to see out of star wars
Mike Cooper: after RotS, i
Bob Vitas:: How about this... the Sullustan figures out it's Xizor, then
tracks him down and tells the tales from a reporter's point of view?
Mike Cooper: i dunno...i
think he's get kinda dead first
Mike Cooper: *he'd
Bob Vitas:: Maybe he gets outta Dodge before it all hits the fan. The
Epilogue of MedStar II is the Sullustan getting to Coruscant...
Mike Cooper: coming back
full circle, it should also be noted that tolk was the only big character whose
POV we didn't experience. so unless there's some weird brainwashing thing going
on, it's gotta be her, a minor character, or a new character
Nathan Blumenfeld:: Yes.
Mike Cooper: or maybe the
spy is, you know, a part of us all
Nathan Blumenfeld:: As I said: Tolk or Troi.
Mike Cooper: the spy is
Bob Vitas:: Whoa
Mike Cooper: troi?
Nathan Blumenfeld:: The empath councilor. Can't remember his name, so I
named him Deanna Troi.
Mike Cooper: oh, i get it
Mike Cooper: it's klo merit
Nathan Blumenfeld:: That's it. Klo.
Mike Cooper: how do you
forget "merit"?
Nathan Blumenfeld:: I'm terrible with names.
Mike Cooper: it could always
be the bartender, if you consider a bartop a big desk
Nathan Blumenfeld:: Y'know we're an hour and a half into our hour here. :-P
Nathan Blumenfeld:: Bartenders are never evil.
Bob Vitas:: Yeah, but we started an hour late!
Mike Cooper: yeah, i was
about to wrap it up
Mike Cooper: wanted to make
sure no one was in the middle of some huge thought
Mike Cooper: any, guys?
Nathan Blumenfeld:: Always in the middle of a huge thought. But if I told
you, I'd have to kill you.
Mike Cooper: ...are you
the spy?
Nathan Blumenfeld:: Or some other clich?d thing.
Bob Vitas:: None from me.
Mike Cooper: well, i guess
we'll call it a day
Nathan Blumenfeld:: In Soviet Russia, the thought has you.
Mike Cooper: that hereby
wraps up the EU Roundtable Murphy's Law edition
Mike Cooper: lol
Nathan Blumenfeld:: It is a day. A nice new young one.
Bob Vitas:: Here here.
And with that, we parted. Thanks to Bob and the Nathans for their
patience and for keeping things entertaining despite the *achem* conversational
difficulties. And once again, if you have an idea for a future topic, or any
feedback for that matter, send it in.