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Originally posted on the Fidonet Star Wars Echo in November, 1994. ============================================================================= IF GUTS AND DETERMINATION AREN'T ENOUGH, YOU'VE GOT TO USE A LITTLE FORCE... ============================================================================== . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . O U T . O F T H E . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . MMM . MMM . . AAAAA WW WWW . WW . . MM MM . MM MM . AA. AA . . WW WW.WW .WW . . . MM MM MM .MM . AA . AA . WW WW WW WW . . . MM . MM MM MM . A . . A . WW WW . W . WW . . MM . MM . MM AAAAAAAAAAAAA WWWW . . W .WW . . MM . MM . AA . . AA . WW . W WW . . . . MM . . . AA . AA . . W WW . MM . . AA . AA . . . . WWW . . . MM . . . . . . . WW . . . MM . . . . . . . . . WW . . . M . . . . . . . . . . W . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ============================================================================= "The thornlike form of the Sun Crusher streaked away from the cluster, leaving a trail of hot gases. A few moments later three fully armed Imperial-class Star Destroyers charged out of the Maw like Banthas on fire." --- From Kevin Anderson's novel, JEDI SEARCH. ============================================================================= *OUT*OF*THE*MAW* - THE MONTHLY NEWSLETTER FOR THE FIDONET STAR WARS ECHO ============================================================================= DOUBLE PREMIERE ISSUE - NOVEMBER, 1994 - EDITOR: MIKE SCHWAB ============================================================================= ECHO MODERATOR: SKIP SHAYOTOVICH ECHO CO-MODERATOR: BRENT LYNCH MAIN ECHO FAQ KEEPER: KEVIN COX ECHO MEMBER LISTING: MIKE FARNHAM RPG GAME MASTER: DAVE THOMER RESIDENT ECHO CELEBRITIES: KEVIN ANDERSON AND TOM VEITCH INFOFAQ ENGINEERS: JAMES KING AND SKIP SHAYOTOVICH ============================================================================= C O N T E N T S Monthly Features for November: I. Exciting News For The Echo The latest on the new InfoFAQs. II. Echolite Of The Month Interviews with our Moderators. III. Echo Talk Recent Echo news and common threads. IV. Quote/Tagline Of The Month Laugh it up, fuzzball. V. Plug Of The Month Editor's current favorite SW item. VI. Trivia Of The Month Plug in, R2! VII. Echo Flashback A long time ago, etc... VIII. The Echo Toy Store Transforming Playsets, by Mike Farnham. IX. Trading Cards Topps Widescreen cards, by David Sentz. X. The Echo Comic Shop From our comics expert, Eric Nelson. XI. On The Lighter Side... From The Desk of George Lucas, Part II. XII. Editor's Throne Room So be it, Jedi. XIII. Question/Poll of the Month From Echo philosopher James King. XIV. Submission Info Join The Rebellion. XV. Closing Clear Skies from the Editor. ============================================================================== E X C I T I N G N E W S F O R T H E E C H O James King and Skip Shayotovich have collaborated to develop a system that will produce a comprehensive list of informational packets, also known as InfoFAQs (Note: This title is subject to change). These will not be simple Q & A, but will be in-depth postings for a variety of areas in the Star Wars galaxy. They will be posted on Sundays to the Fido Star Wars Echo, and the following is a tentative schedule for their release, along with confirmed authors: ODD MONTHS (January, March, May, July, September, November): 1st Sun. Main FAQ - Fido Echo Kevin Cox New Movies Kevin Cox Comics/Books Skip Shayotovich 2nd Sun. Trading Cards/Posters/Artwork AWAITING CONFIRMATION Medialog OPEN Fan Clubs/Echoes/BBS's Skip Shayotovich 3rd Sun. Plastic/Vinyl Scale Models OPEN Bad Guide Kevin Cox THX Flaw Kevin Cox 4th Sun. Toys (General) OPEN Action Figures AWAITING CONFIRMATION Miniature Playsets OPEN Toy Values AWAITING CONFIRMATION EVEN MONTHS (February, April, June, August, October, December): 1st Sun. Name FAQ Kevin Cox Missing Scenes Kevin Cox Prequel Production History OPEN Canadian Products Releases AWAITING CONFIRMATION 2nd Sun. Fanzines/E-mags/Fan Fiction OPEN RPG/Video Games AWAITING CONFIRMATION Mac Products James King 3rd Sun. Fine Collectibles OPEN Wearables OPEN 4th Sun. Video/Audio Recordings AWAITING CONFIRMATION Echo Drinking Game Mike Schwab Calendar Of Events AWAITING CONFIRMATION Please note that this schedule is tentative, and there may be updates on much of this info that I am not aware of. Send any known corrections to the editor. Updated information will undoubtedly be available for the November issue. This project should start around the beginning of December, with some InfoFAQs being posted earlier than this date, and some later. Thanks to all who have contributed to the InfoFAQs. This will undoubtedly be an invaluable resource for any Echo participants. If you wish to apply for any of the areas marked "OPEN," forward an application to the Moderator, Skip Shayotovich, with your qualifications. If you need more information on a particular position, contact James King here on the Echo. Also, I will be releasing this newsletter on the first Sunday of each month in order to keep the flow of information on the Echo consistent. A reposting of the newsletter will occurr in the middle of each month, namely the third Sunday, for anyone who might have missed it the first time. ============================================================================ E C H O L I T E ( S ) O F T H E M O N T H Being that this is the premiere issue, we have interviews with both the Echo Moderator, Skip Shayotovich, and Co-Moderator, Brent Lynch. To begin, I asked Skip the following questions in regards to The Echo and his involvement with other Star Wars projects: 1) Skip, tell us the story behind the beginnings of the SW Echo, and how it came about. Well, I've been Cyber-surfing for about 14 years now and up until about 3 or so years ago (I've forgotten exactly when I started up this beast), there had been no place to talk about SW and only SW. I'd tried to start up discussion about SW in other areas, like the Film Echo or the Comics Echo, but always had to end it because it "didn't belong." So, I decided to try and get a SW Echo. It took FOREVER to get it up to the backbone for national distribution. I could not believe how bogged down by red tape Fidonet really was until I went through the process of getting an Echo started. But it finally made it and is still going strong. In fact, activity now is at it's highest. I see this trend continuing through the release of the new films. 2) You seem to have created a friendly atmosphere here. What specifically do you attribute that to? The users. Pure and simple. I've been in other Star Wars on-line areas, and this is the most friendly and intelligent group of users/SW fans I've come across. I do think however that having a well moderated area is the only way to go because it keeps the "playing field" even for all the users. Again, referring to some of the other SW on-line areas - which I won't mention by name - there is nothing but chaos and flaming. Neither happens in the SW Echo. 3) Tell us about some of your other SW projects, besides The Fidonet Echo. Well, I'm currently still trying to get my SW-themed BBS, Star Wars Central, sanctioned by Lucasfilm. I am also the President of the SW Fan Club over on America Online and I am frequently called by folks on the Echo just to chit chat. I do get ask to do interviews from time to time, or help out as a "sounding board" or researcher for someone doing an interview or book. Recently I did an interview for Sci-Fi Universe, which should be in the Novemeber/December issue. I also helped Andy Mangles with a bit of his research on the Boba Fett poster in the first issue of the Topps SW Galaxy Magazine. That pretty much takes up whatever free time I have. I also talked with Brent Lynch, our Co-Moderator, and he had the following to offer us: 1) What are some of your main SW interests - i.e. fiction, collectibles, new news, games, etc.? Since I've never been a big "graphic novel" fan, I've been more drawn to the novels themselves. The Last Command, and The Han Solo Adventures, being my favorites. 2) What types of things would you like to see in the forthcoming prequels, episodes I-III? Brand new characters, and not "equivalents" of Han Solo, Luke Skywalker or Leia. Certainly I want to see the origins of Ben, Anakin, and an 860 year old Yoda, but please George, don't try to win an Oscar, just concentrate on deliver a trilogy worthy of the name Star Wars. 3) Any guesses as to what MIGHT be in the prequel trilogy? Boba Fett, and at least one victory for the Rebellion (which is alluded to in the opening scroll of STAR WARS). 4) What's it like being the co-moderator? A lot of fun, and quite a bit of work. I'm just happy I haven't recieved a letterbomb yet. But, really, Skip deserves all the credit he can get. I'm just lucky to be along for the ride. 5. Whose your favorite Star Wars character? The mouse droid, never has a toaster been so brave Thanks to the moderators for taking the time to answer our questions. It is much appreciated. Its good to know their opinions so we can kiss their butts properly when appropriate. :) ============================================================================== E C H O T A L K - O C T O B E R The biggest (and most disappointing) news for the month seems to be that the new Star Wars films have been delayed, with a probable release date somewhere in 1998. The original movie, Star Wars: A New Hope, is slated for release in a special edition format, and this should be on the twentieth anniversay of the release of Star Wars, somewhere around May 25, 1997. So far, Star Wars: A New Hope is the only confirmed re-release, but logically, we should also see the other films in this special edition format during the same year, namely 1997. There are a ton of rumors floating around on this topic, so beware. In an interview with TV Guide, George Lucas has stated that Kenneth Branagh will definitely not be playing a young Obi-Wan Kenobi. This has been a big topic for rumors as well, but according to Lucas, they have no foundation, and were started by the infamous London Tabloids. On a related note, Mr. Branagh was recently questioned regarding this rumor, and said he would jump at the chance to play young Ben. However, he has not been asked to do so by Lucasfilm (according to him). David Sentz has been in contact with Brian Daley, author of the Han Solo series and the radio dramatizations, as well as other projects. Brian seemed very receptive to the idea of participating on the Echo, and is currently working on setting up the necessary equipment to log on and chat with us. This would be an enormous asset for the Echo, as Mr. Daley is obviously very involved in the Star Wars galaxy. Way to go, Dave! Now, get to work on Zahn, Tyers, and the big man himself. In additon to the InfoFAQs (see above article), Kevin Cox was named the main Echo FAQ keeper this month. For a schedule of his FAQ releases, see the InfoFAQ listing. Congratulations Kevin! The subject of assigning new jobs to members of the Echo seemed to be a big favorite this month, and hopefully will be partially resolved by the forthcoming InfoFAQs. Many Echolites seem to be striving for organization and structure on the Echo, and we're definitely headed in that direction. At this point in time, we seem to be under a sort of "construction process." If you have any new ideas concerning this topic, forward them to the moderator. Mike Farnham's Echo Member list is growing larger and larger. If you are not registered with him, post a note in his direction that includes your name, Fido address, Internet address (if applicable), BBS name, BBS number, Sysop Name, City, and State. A large number of posts were devoted to the Energizer Bunny commercial earlier this month. That's putting it lightly. For a week or two, it seemed like every other post dealt with that damn wabbit. It is the editor's suggestion that you read the rules for the SW Echo drinking game before posting further. :) Another popular subject early in the month usually contained the header of "SEXXXXXX." This dealt with the role of sex, explcit and otherwise, in the Star Wars galaxy, and how it is handled or accepted in the movies, books, and for certain fan fiction, including the fanzines. Some of these posts got a bit risque (from what I heard), so you might want to watch for headers if you offend or excite easily. :) There was (and is) big talk of Kevin Anderson's latest book, Champions Of The Force. Reviews have been very favorable, and so have sales. The book moves very quickly, and acutely rounds out the Jedi Academy Trilogy. It is very highly recommended for those that have not picked it up. For those that have, remember those spoiler warnings. And remember, the author is only a post away. On a related note, there was speculation on whether the F.I.D.O. reference in Kevin's latest books was a nod to Fidonet, or an allusion to a watchdog. Kevin has stated for the record, however, that it was a salute to Fidonet, so that should end any further discussion on this topic. Discussion is rampant concerning the new LucasArts game, Dark Forces. The DOOM-type 3D/first person perspective game has an alleged release date of January '95, and from the two slide shows released, looks to be incredible. Let's see if LucasArts can get a game out somewhat CLOSE to their proposed release date. The following were other big discussion topics during the month of October: Favorite super weapons. Casting for the new SW flicks. The alleged homosexuality of Luke. The new version of X-Wing on CD-ROM. The new Star Wars screensaver. The legendary Topps Yoda promo card. The latest QVC Star Wars special. ============================================================================= Q U O T E / T A G L I N E O F T H E M O N T H WINNER ====== "That's no moon... This is a moon." said Ben, pulling down his pants. This was supplied by Chris Lang, and is sure to be added to many offline mail reader tagline lists. Very funny! RUNNER-UP ========= "Gimme a light!" ...... "No, no! Bud Li---." This one was also excellent, and was supplied by Rob Hutson. ============================================================================ P L U G O F T H E M O N T H STARFIGHTER COMMAND, ISSUE #5 ============================= Check out the most recent issue (and back issues if you haven't) of Rich Mason's Starfighter Command, usually available on BBS's as SFCMD5.ZIP or SFCMD5.ARJ. This very professionally done electronic magazine is abundant with info, stories, audio and visual clips, and comedy. It runs through Windows, and is distributed internationally. Future issues will be ported over to the Mac, and that conversion is in the works right now. Of all the Star Wars electronic magazines out there, this one is, by far, the best of the bunch. Check it out! Previous issues are usually listed as SFCMD[issue #].ZIP, or SFCMD[issue #].ARJ. Rich is available here, through the Echo, so write to him for info on submitting articles for it. It is current available through most of the popular SW BBSs, including The Star Wars Central BBS, and by FTP via wpi.wpi.edu (in the /Starwars directory) on the Internet. It is also available on Compuserve and America Online. Rich has recently stated that he will allow advertisements by private individuals at no cost. Post them to him directly at SFCMDRich@aol.com or 75450.1720@compuserve.com on the Internet, SFCMDRich on America Online, 75450.1720 on Compuserve, or via regualr mail at 6604 Brightstar Lane, Bartlett TN, 38134. PLEASE, do not post ads to Rich through the Echo as this is not allowed, per Fidonet policy. ============================================================================== T R I V I A O F T H E M O N T H From Brian Daley's Han Solo series, name the ship that allegedly contained the treasures of Xim the Despot. Note: This is just for fun this month, but prizes are being considered for future editions of the newsletter. ============================================================================== E C H O F L A S H B A C K REMEMBER JABBA THE S***? ======================== Remember the poster from a year or so ago that identified himself as Jabba the S*** (excrement)? For those of you that don't, this person never actually offered any offensive or abusive viewpoints or comments, but due to his poor choice of names, was banned from the Echo. Although hard to believe, he seemed surprised that anyone would object to this type of alias. He posted a couple of messages over the period of a few weeks, but even after changing his name, he was never heard from again (at least that I know of). Its less than exciting now, but at the time he managed to ruffle quite a few Echolite's feathers. Remember, handles ARE allowed on the Echo, just not obscene ones. This is not the Interent. We are an elegant conference, for a more civilized day. :) ============================================================================== E C H O T O Y S T O R E LEWIS GALOOB'S STAR WARS TRANSFORMING MICROMACHINE PLAYSETS =========================================================== Review By Mike Farnham These highly-detailed additions to the Micromachines Star Wars line are sure to be a hit with all collectors. Galoob has already released a series of "playsets" including Hoth Base, Endor forest, and The Death Star. These sets were warmly received at first, but interest in them and Galoob in general has started to see a decline. Galoob has launched a "campaign" of offering a new vehicle or mini-figure with a purchase of 2 ships that you already own! Collectors do not want to pay for vehicles they already own, just to get a "special edition" vehicle. Luckily, Galoob has released these new "transforming" playsets and they should re-kindle interest in the Star Wars MicroMachine line. There are three different playsets available, all of which seem highly detailed and high in "play" value. The first of these is a bust of C3PO. When you open the golden droids' head, you find yourself in the Mos Eisley Cantina from ANH. Included in this set are: Han Solo, Greedo, Gotal (bartender), Chadra Fan (cantina patron - red outfit), Duros (tall, thin patron - orange outfit), two stromtroopers and the Millennium Falcon. Features include swinging entrance doors, push-button table to "knock" Greedo out of his chair, and Docking Bay 94 for the Falcon. $14.99 suggested retail (TRU) Second, is the bust of Darth Vader, which when transformed, becomes the Bespin Freeze Chamber. With this set comes Lando, Luke (Bespin outfit), Chewbacca (w/C3PO on his back), an Ugnaught, Darth Vader, and a Stormtrooper. Also included is Boba Fett's SLAVE I vehicle. Features with this set include a breakaway window, a cable to knock Luke through the window, and Han Solo (Carbonite) - not an actual figure - he's attached. $14.99 suggested retail (TRU) Lastly, Galoob presents the R2-D2 transforming playset, and this one includes Jabba/Salacious Crumb, Rancor, Luke (Jedi), Boushh, Lando (Skiff guard), Gamorrean Guard and Jabba's Sail Barge vehicle. Features include a device to move Jabba's throne, a trap door to the Rancor pit, and a door to release the Rancor (or trap it in!). $14.99 suggested retail (TRU) All the playsets are a sure-fire investment. Go out and purchase them now! You won't regret it! * Note : The following casepacks of the playsets have been spotted : 8 playsets per case - packed as follows - 4 Darth Vaders, 3 C3PO's and 1 R2- D2..so it looks like R2 is the "rare" one *** ============================================================================= T R A D I N G C A R D S TOPP'S STAR WARS WIDEVISION CARDS - IS BIGGER REALLY BETTER? =========================================================== Review By David Sentz "What? Not another set of Star Wars cards from Topps! Isn't this getting a little old?" Well, after seeing some of the promo cards, I don't think so. Hopefuly the card collecting Star Wars fans won't think so either. Topps new format for their next series of Star Wars cards is really something special. Not that the idea of a premium super wide card is all that new, but the process that has been developed for this set certainly is. And it will probably set a trend (if it's well received) for future sets of movie trading cards, not just Star Wars. Topps new process (and they're not being very specific about it) allows for an image to be rendered from an original film master onto a card. Similar to the way a film is digitized and transferred to a laser disc format. The end result is a very sharp, brilliant, full image in a "letterbox" format on a trading card that measures 2.5" x 4.75". Each card will have a holographic stamp and be UV coated on both sides. The backs of the cards will have preproduction storyboards and other notes similar to the SW Galaxy card series. The set will have 120 different cards and will have Topps Finest chase cards of some of Ralph McQuarrie's painted storyboards. The really unique thing about this set in my opinion is the images themselves. These will be new images taken from all of the most exciting scenes in the movie with the special effects intact and as they appeared in the movie. These shots will be fresh as opposed to the same old stale publicity stills and shots taken on and around the set, that every source on Star Wars has been rehashing for the last 17 years. I, for one, am eager to see some new photos that were only attainable before by pressing the pause button or using the jog shuttle on you VCR or LD player. All of the scenes in this first set which is due out in December are of ANH. Topps has announced a second series of these cards next year and although they haven't officially said so, these will most likely be from TESB. This leads to further assumption that they will eventually release a third set as well for ROTJ. As for the promo cards themselves there has been some confusion as to how many there are and where they can be found. The following is a list of promos that I have either found or have evidence of their existance: 5"x7" unnumbered sheet - Han in MF cockpit - Previews vol 4 #10 SWP1 - Ben & Luke confronted by Stormtroopers - Up N Comming/also supposed to be in Cards Illus. #14* and the Bend Em's offer SWP2 - Ben, Luke, Han, Chewie in MF - Advance #72 SWP3 - Imperial ships in Death Star trench - Topps SW Galaxy Magazine #1 SWP0 - Han, Luke, Chewie at Awards Ceremony - SW Galaxy II Factory Set* These are the only cards listed from Topps. The ones marked with an asterisk are as yet unconfirmed since they are not out yet. Finally, is bigger better? Well, given the fact that these are taken directly from the movie and this rectangular shape is how they were intended to be seen, I'd have to say yes. In this case anyway. ============================================================================== T H E E C H O C O M I C S H O P DARK LORDS OF THE SITH, BY DARKHORSE COMICS =========================================== Review by Eric Nelson Dark Horse and Lucasfilm's "Tales of the Jedi" is back, with the first installment of a 12-part miniseries. On shelves in comic stores now is issue 1 of "Dark Lords of the Sith", the storyline that makes up the first 6 of the issues (the latter six issues are titled "The Sith War"). Back is Tom Veitch, architect of all of the previous issues, but now he has the added help of Kevin J. Anderson, creator of the recently-completed "Jedi Academy" trilogy. Along for the ride is artist Chris Gossett, who provided the lush pencils on the first two issues of "Tales of the Jedi". Chris is ably assisted by inker Mike Barreiro. This story picks up immediately after the final issue of "Tales of the Jedi: The Freedon Nadd Uprising", recently released from Dark Horse. It will eventually chronicle a great war from 4000 years before events that take place in "Star Wars: A New Hope". Central to the story are two Jedi, Ulic Qel-Droma and Nomi Sunrider. Without giving away the wonderful story (which is just being hinted at in the first issue), suffice it to say that Anderson and Veitch have begun seeding some interesting story beginnings, and Gossett's pencils are even more beautiful than ever. This comic is selling very well in my store and others that I'm familiar with, so go out and grab it before they're all gone! ========================================================================== O N T H E L I G H T E R S I D E Editor's Note: I received a favorable response to this essay the first time around, so I thought I'd give it another whirl... FROM THE DESK OF GEORGE LUCAS - PART II ======================================= By Mike Schwab Through the miracle of modern technology, we, one rare day, are able to view an average Monday morning of one of the greatest film makers of our time - George Lucas. Let's take a look... Setting: George Lucas's office, sometime in 1995. Ms Scott: THE SUN, a UK tabloid, is on line #2 for you, Mr. Lucas. Lucas: Patch him through. SUN Man: Hi, Mr Lucas. What have you got for me? Lucas: OK. Let's say you heard from a friend of a friend that Jeremy Irons will play The Emperor in my new Star Wars films. SUN Man: Jeremy Irons? I know Mr Irons, and he's booked solid for the next five years! This isn't another Branagh thing, is it? Lucas: No! No. I've, ahh, got a previous commitment from Jeremy. Its very secret. Don't mention it to him. SUN Man: Alright. But I took a bath on that last one... Lucas: Don't worry about it. Just make sure you put it on the front page, and spread the word. But you didn't hear it from me. SUN Man: Fine. Boy, this ought to REALLY create a lot of hype! Lucas: < smirking > Really? I never thought of it that way. Goodbye. Ms. Scott: Mr. Lucas, now I've got a guy from Topps on line #3. Shall I put him through? Lucas: Yes. Topps Man: Mr Lucas, Its an honor to talk to you. I've always been a fan... Lucas: Cut to the chase, pal. What've ya got? Topps Man: A new kind of trading card. Lucas: Another one? Geeez, what is it? Topps Man: This is great, its revolutionary, its the latest thing, it will change the way trading cards are done, it will be unprecedented, never been done before... Lucas: < impatient > WHAT IS IT? Topps Man: A re-release of the very first set of trading cards from 1977, only these will be the size of billboards, and be etched in pure platinum. Lucas: Blazes! What will it cost? Topps Man: Who cares! I've already got pre-orders for 100,000 cases! Lucas: OK. When can I have a protype? Topps Man: Actually, we're starting production this afternoon, so they should be done and in stores by tommorrow. Lucas: Excellent. Just forward me the usual 90% cut. Topps Man: Will do. Bye! Ms. Scott: This time, its Kenner on line #7. Lucas: < drooling > Let's have it! Kenner Man: Mr. Lucas, I've found 10-20 more Star Wars characters we can make figures of. Lucas: Good! Who are they? Kenner Man: Let's see. Well, they weren't actually in the movies. They're characters from some of the fanzines and role-playing games. Lucas: Great! That's fine. Just have them out by Christmas. Kenner Man: < pause > That's in two weeks! We're still working on the other 928 new figures you ordered last week! Lucas: Just do it, or I go to Playmates. Kenner Man: Yes sir! Later! Lucas: Damn, I'm running out of characters. Hmmm... Ms Scott: Tim Zahn is on line #12. Lucas: Thanks. Tim-meister, what've ya got? Zahn: You're gonna love this. I just finished the 13th sequel to The Last Command. Its all about Exar Kun traveling forward in time to meet up with Thrawn. He uses some Sith magic, and Bingo! Thrawn comes back from the dead, and they use their new superweapon, the Galaxy Eradicator, to wipe out the rebellion. Lucas: That sounds fine, Tim. Just add about 20-30 meaningless background characters, and send me a draft. Zahn: Awesome! See ya round. Lucas: Get me Frank, Ms Scott. Ms. Scott: Right away. Frank: George? What's up? Lucas: Look, Frank, I read your recent treatments for the flicks. Let's start from scratch, and do it all over. Frank: Not again! Why? What's wrong? Lucas: Nothing. ILM has some new technology going, and I want to stay up on the times. The films will now have a whole new feel. Frank: OK, you're the boss. Lucas: Yep. And don't you forget it. Bye. Lucas: Get me ILM pronto, Ms. Scott. Ms Scott: You got it! They're on line #14. ILM Man: Hi George, I was gonna call you today. When can we get started on the new Star Wars movies? Lucas: Uh, not yet. Your stuff hasn't quite caught up with my vision yet. ILM Man: Oh. Why are you calling? Lucas: Well, if you get some calls from the media today, just tell them that we're working on Young Indy and other Lucasfilm projects, etc. You know, the usual. Make sure that they know you're really busy. ILM Man: You bet. Did you get our vacation requests? Lucas: Yeah. Why don't you just take January through March off? You know, take a break. ILM Man: Break from what? The last thing we worked on was Radioland... Lucas: Do you like your job??? ILM Man: Uh, yeah... See ya next spring!! Lucas: Ms. Scott, send out a press release saying that, ahhh, due to unforseen circumstances, the new Star Wars movies will now be released in 2002, the 25th anniversary of A New Hope. Ms Scott: Got it. Anything else? Lucas: Yes. You know that file of Star Wars product solicitors we turned away? Start scheduling appointments for them in beginning in January of 1997. Will this never end? Tune in next time when we, again, take a look... FROM THE DESK OF GEORGE LUCAS ============================================================================= E D I T O R ' S T H R O N E R O O M Here it is, the editor's proverbial .02 worth on anything and everything that is Star Wars, for the month of October. Take it or leave it, as they say. Are these things really worthy of the name Star Wars? Let's take a look: MASTERING THE FORCE ==================== DARK LORDS OF THE SITH - Great storyline, awesome art, and truly Star Wars. After getting over the Freedon Nadd thing, this is sizing up to be an epic adventure. Kevin and Tom are bona fide Jedi, and they can fly my X-Wing anytime. STAR WARS INSIDER - An excellent magazine. With an improved staff, an excellent new format, and finally being 100% Star Wars, its a huge step from what it used to be. Special mention to Jon Snyder's article on "The Cult Of Wedge." Wedge rules! STARFIGHTER COMMAND, #5 - Great, as usual. See this month's plug article. MASTER LUKEWARM =============== TRANSFORMING PLAYSETS - I suppose these things are O.K., but they are rather strange. Who came up with this idea anyway? TOPP'S FINEST - Yet another set of cards. They look neat, but what's next? Topp's Very Super Wonderful Fantastic Phenomenal Special Edition? Go with the Widescreen's next month, if you really have to choose. DROIDS - Was anyone REALLY looking forward to the gripping conlcusion to this series? QVC - They really need to liven this show up. Also, It might be nice to get a host who knows what he's talking about. If you don't know the difference between the T-16 and an A-wing, you shouldn't be talking about SW. Let alone pretend you're an expert. MASTERS OF THE DARK SIDE... =========================== TOPP'S SW GALAXY MAG - A pretty good publication, but the premiere issue made two mistakes. First, they forgot to credit our Moderator for his work on the Boba Fett poster, and two, there wasn't one mention of Fidonet in their SW Online article. BENDEMS/GALOOB - These money hungry bastards should be fed to the rancor, and not because their products are bad. Its because they insist on adding one or two new items to huge collections that we already own. There are too many products out there as it is, without having to purchase duplicates. R.A.S.S. - If, in fact, this area is larger than Fido, its only because everybody bitches and flames so often. The only benefit I've found from reading r.a.s.s is for using the subject headers as taglines. ============================================================================== P O L L / Q U E S T I O N O F T H E M O N T H This month's question is supplied to us by James King: What was your most memorable and most favorite SW toy(s) that you got for Christmas sometime in years past? How old where you then? What made it so memorable and special? Do you still have that SW toy(s) today? The best answers will be printed in next month's issue. Post answers to myself, Mike Schwab, through the Echo, via Netmail, or on the Internet at cjkuist@earth.execpc.com. ============================================================================== S U B M I S S I O N I N F O If you are interested in contributing, contact me here, via Netmail, or on the Internet at cjkuist@earth.execpc.com. I'm currently looking for articles for the December/Christmas issue. As far as subject matter goes, I'd love to see some fiction or comedy, but anything goes, such as editorials, reviews, opinions, or commentaries. If you have other ideas, just ask. OUT OF THE MAW has a fairly loose format, so the sky is the limit. ============================================================================== C L O S I N G That concludes the premiere issue of OUT OF THE MAW. Your feedback is requested, needed, and wanted, by myself. Whatever your opinion, drop me a line here and let me know about any ideas for modifications, additions, deletions, and general suggestions. Also, give me your general opinion on the newsletter. Should this newsletter be longer, shorter, better, or non-existent? Let me know. I don't offend easily, by the way. :) A big thanks is due to the contributing authors for this month. I greatly appreciate your input and help in getting this first issue off the ground. Also, thanks to my proofreaders - Chris Kuist and Carrie Schindler. Look for OUT OF THE MAW, Issue #2, on December 4th. Until then, May The Force Be With You, and... Clear Skies The Editor ========================================================================= THE WARS BEGIN IN 1998 =========================================================================
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