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Top Ten Rejected Special Edition Scenes
from Wizard Magazine May 1997 issue (sent by Brykoe)

10. C-3PO discovering that the Jawa he just dropped into the fire wasn't quite dead.

9. Uncle Owen backhanding Luke to get him to stop whining about power converters

8. The startled Ronto taking a giant crap on the Mos Eisley street.

7. Han backhanding Luke to get him to stop whining about10,000 credits

6. Porkins with his shirt off eating fried cheese

5. Obi-Wan backhanding Luke to get him to stop whining about going to Alderaan

4. The C-3P0/R2-D2 car chase scene from the Palace Hotel and Ballroom to the Honorable Mayor Richard J. Daley Plaza

3. Darth Vader backhanding Luke to get him to stop whining about being his son

2. Boba Fett actually doing something

1. R2-D2 backhanding Luke to get him to stop whining about his secrete mission for the Alliance

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