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Top 10 small things that can change the fate of the galaxy
By the RASSM newsgroup (Thanks guys), Collected by JediBond (Elad Avron)

10. "But I was gonna go to Tosche station to pick up some power convertors!" - "Oh allright, but be back at 9 !"
(Ken Maeda)

9. "Perhaps you'd like it back in your cell, your highness" - "After hanging around with you guys, yes!"

8. "It's Luke, I know where he is !" - "You're dreaming Leia, get us out of here Chewie"

7."Join me and we can rule the galaxy together as father & son" - "Cool!"
(Jon Palk)

6."Ooooooooh no! You're not pulling that old 'remove my restraining bolt' trick on ME!"

5. "Ten Thousand? We could buy our own ship for that!" - "You're right, Luke - this guy's a rip-off artist! Let's go."

4. "Adventure, heh! Excitement, heh! A Jedi craves not these things." - "Boring. C'mon, Artoo, let's go."

3. "I'll ask you one last time - where is the rebel base?" - "Yavin IV".
(Jon Palk)

2."These aren't the droids you're looking for" - "Well they sure look like them. You're busted."
(Jon Palk)

1."Sir, there's another one. No life forms." - "Shoot it."
(Jevon den Ridder)

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