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Worst Star Wars Christmas Presents That Kids Don't Want This Year
by the readers of TheForce.Net

10. Darth Maul Dentist Playset
by Ghent00

9. Furby Jar-Jar
by Lord Fett

8. Scratch-n-Sniff Bantha T-shirts
by Jedi_Master_Allya

7. Mynock Gigapet
by Dogma972

6. Yoda Deodorant
by Tim Piper

5. Emperor Palpatine's Facial Cleanser (For that 'special' teen on your list!)
by Jedi Lizzybean

4. Learn-To-Go-Poddy-Leia
by Cheeseman

3. Rock'em, Sock'em Battle Droids
by Xenomrph

2. Lando Calrissian "Loc-ed Out Pimp Daddy" action figure
by Irving Finster

1. Chia-Sarlaac
by Bob Fett

10. A great big lump of carbonite, for all the naughty little kids.
by Yoda's Doughnut Delivery Service

9. Dianoga-scented air freshner
by Bob

8. Trandoshan skin boots
by Bob Fett

7. Charred-Skeleton Owen and Beru figures
by ishi_tiv@hotmail13

6. The Star Wars Holiday Special Soundtrack
by Y*O*D*A

5. The Jar-Jar Binks Christmas CD.
by DarthJon64

4. "Hungry Hungry Jabbas"
by KLBS180

3. My Size Senator Palpatine Doll
by Andikin

2. The Toilet-Diving Obi-Wan Kenobi Action Figure.....wait, wrong movie.
by Lady Hyde

1. The Wamprat Patch Kids
by Bob the Insigificant

10. C-3PO's "Sweating to the Oldies"
by Booby Pett

9. Imitation Hutt drool.
by JediJil

8. Tauntaun dissection kit
by Falcona De'Ozse'

7. Chewbacca Chia Pet
by Cheeseman

6. Life-Day Sized Singing Bea Arthur Dolladja Cheiron
by Nadja Cheiron

5. Jabba's Secret Crackhouse Action Set
by Johnny Nickel

4. MaulChi-The Future of Sith! Recognizes sixty commands: Wipe them out. All of them, Move against the Jedi first, and many more!
by Pineapple Jedi

3. A subscription to the "All Jar Jar" channel... All Jar Jar... ALL THE TIME!!!!
by *Rebel Jedi Girl*

2. TheForce.net Underoos
by Judd-I Nighty night

1. Choke Me Ozzle
by Darth Vader

10. Clone Patch Dolls
by Terry Letourneau

9. Darth Mauls Toothpaste, now with more sugar
by Coconut Boy

8. Mr. Kenobi's Bantha Fodder Farm
by Tokugawa

7. Yarael Poof Q-tips
by Darth Jackalope

6. The "I Built It Myself" Protocol Droid(voice included)
by Tim Piper

5. Authentic Episode I slave tracking device (tested well with some parents though)
by Exar Kun

4. "Jar Jar Sings Burt Bacarach's Greatest Hits" CD
by bob

3. Lucas endorsed Star Wars flannel shirt
by diskerror

2. C-3PO's Bachi Speak & Spell.
by Walt Frayne

1. Mrs. Hutt's Easy Bake Oven
by SithLordSteve

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